Although most Christians are familiar with the concept of spiritual warfare, little is written about exactly how that warfare is waged. With the Bible as his guide, Norman Grubb takes us "behind … continue reading.
"Life is a constant series of glorious opportunities not seized because not recognized," states Norman Grubb, and this issue's collection of features, letters, and articles offers practical … continue reading.
This was an email correspondence between Page Prewitt and a friend after the friend had read Page's booklet: "Life: The What, The Who, The Why."Question:I am so aware of the unbelief that … continue reading.
Yes the cross is certainly what God's love is all about. It is the turning point of all of history. Without it we would all be doomed for a Satan run life and an eternity in hell. It is so wonderful … continue reading.
BOOK REVIEW:Continuous Revival By Norman Grubb"Roof off, walls down"....Confession before God and man....A two-way relationship--vertical with God and horizontal with man. According to … continue reading.
"Our Cutting Edge" is an amazing and prophetic letter to the "well battered group who go under the name of intercessors (with our Intercessor Mag) or as Zerubbabel ." To read it is … continue reading.
"If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the … continue reading.
Before anything, which is not mine already, can become mine in experience, it is obvious that I must come to want it, and then in my freedom, appropriate it. My stomach needs food, it is available and … continue reading.
In the last issue, the author shared his personal Romans 7 struggle and Satan's core lie that had deceived him. In Part II, the author discusses commonly held misconceptions about the nature of sin … continue reading.
Appearing at the end of Norman Grubb's last full-length book, Yes, I Am, are the lyrics of a song proclaiming the amazing truth about who we are in Christ. It was set to the tune of the old campfire … continue reading.
Sept. 22.81Frances darling, I am so glad you have written, my darling, and laid bare your heart, because that is just the love-bond the Spirit forged, didn't He, when we were together in those woods … continue reading.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."--Romans 8:1(King James version) … continue reading.
Everyone remembers "Jonah and the Whale" as a Sunday school story. We all know God told Jonah to go to Nineveh; he disobeyed, so God had him swallowed by a whale. I encourage you to reread … continue reading.
God created man in His own image that He might have a visible means of expressing and manifesting Himself, The Invisible in visible form. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" (Matt. … continue reading.
This segment concludes the five tenets of our Total Truth with the biblical truth about how we function as humans in a spirit-union with Christ.Part FourNOW, AS A BELIEVER, CHRIST LIVES HIS LIFE … continue reading.