Words to Live by is a weekly devotional email of Scriptures and quotes that highlight and expound upon our Union with Christ. If you’d like to receive devotionals like the one below, please subscribe using this link.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2024
The True Revelation of the Bible
“The true revelation of the Bible is that we humans have no nature. We’re not created to have a nature, but to be containers of a ‘deity nature,’ a divine nature, and we humans can only ever express the nature of the one within us. All the Bible symbols of our humanity are those of being containers and expressers of one who is not ourselves, but is a god. All that matters is, ‘Which god?’
The illustrations used of us in our humanity are vessels, branches, body members, slaves, wives, temples. In every case that means we are the agent by which the occupant operates. As vessels, we are said to be either ‘vessels of wrath’ or ‘vessels of mercy,’ but we must be either one or the other. The vessel of wrath, of course, is a container of the god by whom we experience wrath; and the vessel of mercy of Him by whom we receive mercy (Rom. 9:22-23). So it is not the type of vessel that is of importance, but the nature of the liquid that it contains.”
Taken from: Yes, I Am
By Norman Grubb
Pages 47-48