A Letter From Norman
July 29, 1982
Dear Margie,
Yes, precious love, you do well to give time to the Bible. After all I’ve been many years learning and giving out, so truth in its Bible form is fixed in me. So the more you can “soak” in whatever way the Spirit leads you, the better. Make Romans central. Long ago I was told, “Get Romans and you really have your truth roots.” I did that. So I advise you to do the same. Soak, and use any helps till you have a fair grasp of what Paul is revealing. Then indeed all of Paul: Galatians on law and grace; Colossians and Ephesians on our Christ in you life; John and his Epistle on union lived in fact. And so on. You will go as led but usually soaking in the Epistles is richest.
Then, darling, still be BOLD, and give out what you know as far as you know it. Don’t hesitate but give what you’ve got. Give it as all truth to you at present. For all the Spirit is taking you through in your own life is really His food for others by you. Expect to be a harvester.
And my darling, even your own personal “obsession” with eating, don’t allow it to condemn you. Go back every time and affirm it has no power over you, though it may appear to have at times. Always see the Lord, He is THE ONLY POWER, and you count on Him to give you the regular deliverance until the thing drops off you.
Now write me again, my precious spirit-daughter. I enjoy hearing from you and am so glad you can pour out your heart.