Faith Is Action
Faith is not to be confused with mere mental ascent to a proposition; that may be called "belief," for want of a better word, although belief in Scripture is usually synonymous with faith. Nor is faith some vague hope for the future. Faith is action: the whole man in spiritual action, spiritual, mental, physical. We have abundantly illustrated that by such natural acts as eating and drinking, for the first great act of the awakened spirit in receiving Christ as Savior. Now, because it is action, it has certainty, and not doubt, as its motivating power. That is to say, we perform the act of eating because we are sure of the food; we see it with our eye, we believe it is good for us. We take the step of humbly accepting Christ, because we are sure of His grace, we believe He died for our sins, we see the statements of Scripture. Faith therefore always has the thing in its grasp or at its disposal that it acts upon or uses. That is faith; the having and using the unlimited resources of God in nature and grace. That is perfect faith.