When someone asks me to pray with them for a loved one, maybe a husband or wife, I say briefly to her (supposing it's a wife), "It isn't your husband who is the problem. You are the problem. You … continue reading.
Q: When I started to believe that I was Christ in my form, my view of prayer changed. I used to think that my job was to ask God, and God's job was to somehow do what I was asking for. Now I no longer … continue reading.
When first we were led to pray for the ten, we already had in mind, as a more distant goal, a memorial in flesh and blood to C.T. Studd-twenty-five new workers. In our weakened situ-ation, and … continue reading.
One problem of importance remains. What about the baffling occasions when the stand of faith is taken and nothing hap-pens? All people of faith have such experi-ences when either no answer comes, or … continue reading.
A commission is no passing thing. It is not a prayer I can take up and put down. It is not participating in various interests and activities. It is "This one thing I do." It will be the main … continue reading.
Faith is always an involvement, not a sitting on the fence. Faith is always a conquest of uncertainty. But the point is that we come to a conclusion, and do not leave things in the air. Faith can only … continue reading.
Do you ever feel that you dont pray enough, that you get distracted by so many daily activities that you find at the end of the day that you havent spent any time with God? After all, Scripture … continue reading.
CD REVIEW:"Esther-Mordecai" by Norman Grubb"Esther was wonderful, but God through Mordecai was more wonder-ful," says Norman early on in this CD. And Norman builds on this … continue reading.
We have reached the major problem in the use of prayer and faith in the daily life. How many peo-ple would be only too glad to be sure that their prayers are being answered and to be able to say so. … continue reading.
"Our lives were chaotic-a living hell. We called ourselves Christians, but we had no testimony." Carol: "I saw myself as a strong Christian, but thought nothing of lying and tearing … continue reading.
The following chapters from Norman Grubb's biography of missionary Edith Moules describes the Spirit's dealings in the heart that must precede revival-and rings just as true for us today(Continued … continue reading.
In earthly warfare, Norman states, no battle is won right up at the front line-but back at general headquarters where the winning strategy is first hashed out. Using the biblical account of King … continue reading.
When we dare to believe and oper-ate from the truth of Galatians 2:20, prayer becomes an active adventure--NPG. And this issue of The Intercessor explores the implications of the Total Truth on … continue reading.
What shall I do about this mountain, this hopeless situation, this impos-sible person?Well, I had learned the first step from Rees Howells. Not calling on God and asking Him for deliverance; nor … continue reading.
Stating that "Prayer is the product of our union with Christ," Norman Grubb pierces into the mystery of that union in the following article, taken from God Unlimited. His revolutionary … continue reading.