"Let us love one another…"
"Let us love one another, for love comes from God"–1 John 4:7
Edith Moules stood at her husband’s deathbed crying, and, mighty woman of faith as she was, maybe temporarily questioning God’s dealings in so suddenly taking her husband. One of the Africans standing by the bedside discerned that her tears were more of questioning than of faith, sorrow of the world rather than godly sorrow as Paul said, and he boldly challenged her: "Lady, if your husband is with Jesus, why are you crying like that?"
She left the room filled with indignation at being spoken to like that, and that by an African, one of those whom she was sup-posed to have come to teach. But there in her room with the same sensitiveness to sin which she had seen around her, responding to God’s light, God showed her her own pride and anger, and took her back to the many times she had been hot-tempered her-self while in the act of pointing out the faults of her leprosy patients. He reminded her of the saying of the Africans that when you point one finger at your neighbor, the other three fingers of your closed hand are pointing to yourself. Follow the three first! So she did, and began this same walk of brokenness and openness.
When later she returned to Congo and told her leprosy patients the same thing, a move of the Spirit began among them also.
–From Summit Living
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 25 No 3
- Harmonious Relationships
- Editor’s Note
- Fellowship In Philadelphia, PA
- I Was a Fool
- "If we walk in the light…"
- C.T. Was Right & We Were Wrong
- Fellowship on the Mission Field
- Fellowship in the Body
- "Let us love one another…"
- My Personal Discovery of Total Truth
- How Do I Look at People?
- Long on Faith, Short on Love
- "Make my joy complete…"
- Applied to the Daily Life
- Fellowship of Believers
- Difficult People
- Walking with My Brother
- The Standard is Perfection
- Many Members, but One Body…
- Words to Live By