"If we walk in the light…"
"If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship"–1 John 1:7
There is one other way, the healthiest of all, to maintain fellowship in personal relationships, as well as the freshness of the walk in Jesus. We learned lessons which have much affected many of us over the past fifteen years through our friends from Ruanda, East Africa. From these, missionaries and Africans, we caught the reality of the walk in the light, not only with God but with one another.
Our first contact with them came through Edith Moules, the founder of the Leprosy and Medical department of WEC. She had noted the quality of brotherly love and fellowship between missionaries and Africans, beyond anything she had seen before, and a way of walking in the Spirit together which could be called brokenness, openness, and challenge. That is to say, they were quick to repent when they slipped, calling sin sin, and to claim the cleansing blood of Jesus.
This was the walk in the light according to 1 John 1, which they spoke of as brokenness. But they were also open and sharing with each other where the Spirit had convicted them and the blood of Jesus had cleansed them. They would do this not only on the spot in their daily contacts but in their open fellowship meetings at night. This was down-to-earth reality.
–From Summit Living
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 25 No 3
- Harmonious Relationships
- Editor’s Note
- Fellowship In Philadelphia, PA
- I Was a Fool
- "If we walk in the light…"
- C.T. Was Right & We Were Wrong
- Fellowship on the Mission Field
- Fellowship in the Body
- "Let us love one another…"
- My Personal Discovery of Total Truth
- How Do I Look at People?
- Long on Faith, Short on Love
- "Make my joy complete…"
- Applied to the Daily Life
- Fellowship of Believers
- Difficult People
- Walking with My Brother
- The Standard is Perfection
- Many Members, but One Body…
- Words to Live By