Fellowship In Philadelphia, PA
How appropriate that we would finish 2009 near the city of brotherly love and the former home of our beloved Norman Grubb. On Saturday November 14th a group of folks gathered at the Hampton Inn Willow Grove, PA for a day of sharing and learning. The group came from all over the region, with some traveling over two hours.
The day started with Chris Anderson from Boone, NC sharing. He told his story of how God used several very dramatic circumstances to free him from a totally self-centered existence (the place we all begin) to knowing Christ as his savior and redeemer. Like many of us, Chris realized even after he was saved that he was unable to rid him-self of many of his old ways and habits. It was at that time he was presented the message of Galatians 2:20. As he took for himself the truth of this glorious verse, he began the walk in the Spirit. He trusted that he was in union with Jesus himself (1 Cor 6:17) and that by faith Christ was there to live His life in and through Chris.
After Chris’s sharing, Page Prewitt began her teaching on "What is the Christian life and how can I live it?" Several life changing topics were covered in this discussion: the differences in our body, soul and spirit and the function of each, as well as an explanation of there being no such thing as humans who are self operating independent selves.
One of my favorite examples Page used to explain the working of soul feelings was her comparing feelings with a thermometer. It was brought to our attention that a thermometer is used to register temperature but in no way can alter it. Feelings are the same. They can and do register our emotions but they have no ability to cause them or change them. There were a lot of "ahhs" in the audience
when this illustration was made.
The day ended with a brief discussion of intercession. The main point made on this subject is that an intercession must consist of three essential and equal parts: commission, cost, completion. Page recommended that everyone interested in intersession read the book Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb.
A common desire to learn more about the Christ-lived life was shared by many. This was made evident by the fact that throughout the day, folks asked questions and made comments about their lives and how they could be partakers of this glorious truth. A sincere attempt was made to give Bible-based answers to all needs and questions presented.
It was a wonderful day of fellowship and learning. We need to continue to look for opportunities to share with fellow believers the truth of Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 25 No 3
- Harmonious Relationships
- Editor’s Note
- Fellowship In Philadelphia, PA
- I Was a Fool
- "If we walk in the light…"
- C.T. Was Right & We Were Wrong
- Fellowship on the Mission Field
- Fellowship in the Body
- "Let us love one another…"
- My Personal Discovery of Total Truth
- How Do I Look at People?
- Long on Faith, Short on Love
- "Make my joy complete…"
- Applied to the Daily Life
- Fellowship of Believers
- Difficult People
- Walking with My Brother
- The Standard is Perfection
- Many Members, but One Body…
- Words to Live By