Editor’s Note
In this issue of The Intercessor we continue to investigate the foundational truth of the Christian’s union with Christ–and the seemingly little known truth that prior to salvation Satan indwells us. Our lead article, "Total Salvation," focuses on the radical exchange that takes place at conversion. Norman Grubb points out that "Most of us think of ourselves as just our unredeemed selves until Christ comes in and takes over. We do not realize that we have working in us that ‘prince of the power of the air, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience."’ And in part two of "Our Cutting Edge," Norman stresses that the negative side of the gospel is truly "good news," and bluntly denies the possibility, so widely taught, that we can "die to self."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 29 No 4
- Editor’s Note
- Total Salvation
- Our Cutting Edge – Part Two
- Satan Was Our Boss
- Words To Live By…
- He Was Made Sin
- The Crisis Experience
- Illuminating Body, Soul, & Spirit
- Galatians 2:20–Not "Just Me," But Christ As Me!
- Crucified With Christ…
- God’s Providential Plan–Through Joseph
- A Letter From Norman
- Bible Bedrock: The Great Deception
- Faith Notes
- Q & A
- How Acquire Faith?