A Letter From Norman
June 8
Dear Kathy,
Yes, dear, our oppositions are God’s ways of “forcing” us to hear only Him and take no note of other folks’ attitudes or leavings of us, beyond anything He says to us, and never accepting self-searching, but only that quiet confirming beautiful inner word of the spirit. GO RIGHT ON–He in you, is you, as you!!
Love, we certainly face physical sufferings. Paul makes that quite plain in his “victory chapter” Romans 8:23-28. I see it like this. We first accept all conditions as perfect, and perfectly meant by our God of perfect love. So we accept and praise, no light thing. And this includes saying with Paul His Philippians 1:20 (“according to my earnest expectation and hope, that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”) including “death,” for we take no notice of that; we have died long ago, and only move on to the more perfect dimension–with him.
But then as we accept and praise, we do not center our believing on any physical condition, however real it physically is. We constantly believe that we are in God’s health.
As we do that, we take any physical remedies available but also accept Paul’s word in Romans 8:11, for “quickenings” in our body; and I see by our believing in Him rather than the physical conditions and doctor’s opinion about them, very often there are real both quickenings and deliverances. And so with R., how beautiful it is to hear of his present believings and compassion for others. We can’t assess our abilities by how much they are used in this dimension–we are eternal.
So we keep seeing GOD ONLY in all,
My love to you,