Editor’s Note
We are pleased to offer this month a variety of articles, letters, and features–some published here for the first time. Along with several feature articles by Norman Grubb, we include "A Letter from Norman," and his foreword from Page Prewitt’s booklet, "One Woman’s Answer: What To Do When Your Life Resembles Alphabet Soup."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 29 No 1
- The Big Lie
- Editor’s Note
- Q & A
- A Look at a Book
- Foreword to Alphabet Soup
- A Life Transformed
- From Elementary to Advanced Faith
- Bible Bedrock: Slaves to Sin or Slaves to Righteousness
- When I Survey the Woundrous Cross
- A Letter From Norman
- Who you really are…and not who you thought you were
- The Self Can’t Be Improved
- The Total Truth About Who We Are in Christ Jesus
- No Longer Slaves To Sin…
- The Ultimate Reality
- Words to Live By