Excerpt from Summit Living
"He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.’"
Mark 16:15
"We are now coming to the last and greatest era of Mr. Studd’s life–China, then India, and now the heart of Africa. The call came very suddenly, while he was still contemplating returning to India. He was in Liverpool in 1908 and saw such a strangely worded notice that it immediately caught both his attention and his sense of humor. ‘Cannibals want missionaries. ‘Why, sure they do, for more reasons than one,’ said he to himself. ‘I will go inside and see who could have put up such a notice as that.’ As he thought, it was a foreigner, Dr. Karl Kumm. But God was in that chance impulse, for in that meeting He called C.T. to the great work of his life.
"Karl Kumm had walked across Africa [writes C.T.] and was telling his experiences. He said that in the middle of the continent there were numbers of tribes who had never heard the story of Jesus Christ. He told us that explorers had been to those regions, and big game hunters, Arabs, and traders, European officials and scientists, but no Christian had ever gone to tell of Jesus. The shame sank deep into one’s soul. I said, ‘Why have no Christians gone?’ God replied, ‘Why don’t you go?’ ‘The doctors won’t permit it,’ I said. The answer came, ‘Am I not the Good Physician? Can I not take you through? Can I not keep you there?’ There were no excuses, it had to be done."
From Summit Living, by Stewart Dinnen
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 26 No 1
- Intercession Being Gained in Worldwide, Churchwide Commission
- Our Spiritual Heritage–Part 1
- A New Start for W.E.C.
- Excerpt from Summit Living
- C.T. and Colonel Munro
- To Congo with C.T. Studd
- The Cost of Commitment–Colonel Munro
- Excerpt from Summit Living
- A Review of C.T. Studd in the Heart of Africa
- Excerpt from Summit Living
- I Count All Things To Be Loss…
- Words to Live By…
- Our Spiritual Heritage–Part 2