Wanted: Faith and Fools
Christs call is to feed the hungry, not the full; to save the lost, not the stiff-necked; not to call the scoffers, but sinners to repentance; not to build and furnish comfortable chapels, churches, and cathedrals at home in which to rock Christian professors to sleep by means of clever essays, stereotyped prayers and artistical musical performances, but to raise living churches of souls among the destitute, to capture men from the devils clutches, and snatch them from the very jaws of hell, to enlist and train them for Jesus, and to make them into an Almighty Army of God. But this can only be accomplished by a red-hot, unconventional, unfettered Holy Ghost religion, where neither Church nor State, neither man nor traditions are worshiped or preached, but only Christ and Him crucified. Not to confess Christ by fancy collars, clothes, silver crosiers or gold watch-chain crosses, church steeples or richly embroidered altar-clothes, but by reckless sacrifice and heroism in the foremost trenches.
When in hand to hand conflict with the world and the devil, neat little biblical confectionary is like shooting lions with a pea-shooter: one needs a man who will let himself go and deliver blows right and left as hard as he can hit, trusting in the Holy Ghost. Its experience, not preaching, that hurts the devil and confounds the world, because unanswerable; the training is not that of the schools, but of the market; its the hot, free heart and not the balanced head that knocks the devil out. Nothing but forked-lightening Christians will count. A lost reputation is the best degree for Christs service.
I am more than ever determined that no ring nor limit shall be placed around us, other than that of our Lord Himself, To the uttermost parts. To every creature. I belong and will ever belong to The Great God party. I will have naught to do with The Little God party.
The difficulty is to believe that He can deign to use such scallywags as us, but of course He wants Faith and Fools rather than talents and culture. All God wants is a heart, any old turnip will do for a head; so long as we are empty, all is well, for then He fills with the Holy Ghost.
C.T. Studd
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 22 No 4
- The Life of Faith
- How It Really Works
- Faith Lessons
- Faith Defies Difficulty
- Words to Live By
- Testimony–C.T. Studd
- Wanted: Faith and Fools
- How Acquire Faith?
- Bible Study: Faith
- Not my Will but Yours
- Tape Review: "Faith Creates a Reality"
- Mighty Through God
- Editor’s Note
- Book Review: The Law of Faith, Chapter 26