Tape Review: "Faith Creates a Reality"
Faith Creates a Reality by Page Prewitt
Page Prewitts recording Faith Creates a Reality is very important listening for all Christians because she is teaching on where we get bogged down again and again in our Christian walk. Like Paul in Romans 7, we do not do the things we want to do and do the things we dont want to do. Is this your experience too?
In this recording, Page tackles problems faced by every honest Christian. She describes our state before we were born again, what happened at our new birth and the full extent of what being born again means. The root of our problem lies in our seeing ourselves as independent selves. Before salvation, we were of our father the devil (John 8:44). After salvation, he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). We never were and never can be independent beings. We always manifest the life of whichever spirit we contain.
Pages simple illustrations make spiritual truth easy to understand. For example, she begins by explaining how we are made up of body, soul and spiritand that our spirit was joined to the spirit of Satan from our birth to our rebirth. Through the work of the cross the old spirit is out and the Holy Spirit moves in. The new man, after the new birth, is our spirit joined to the Spirit of God one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). Then she uses the illustration of an egg to show how the human spirit is one with the deity it is joined to. No matter how much you shake an egg, the yolk remains the yolk and the white remains the white. In the same way we retain our separate identity even though we are one with Christ.
Page is not afraid to tackle tough questionslike the number one question people ask her: If we are Christ in our forms then how and why do we sin? She answers this by saying that Satan tempts us from the outside and this causes our feelings and emotions to be stirred up. We feel fearful, jealous, inadequate, or whatever, and Satan tells us that that is who we are. However, these feelings are in the soul realm and merely what we feel and think. Thoughts and feelings are neutral. We do not have to feel guiltyor bad or goodabout our thoughts and feelings. It is the choices we make from our spirit that counts.
Ultimately, the only choice we are free to make is to believe or not to believe. As we faith into God and His truth, it becomes His choice through us that is made. This, Page stresses, is the most important point, because we really think it is us making all the choices we make in life. In fact, it is either Christ or Satan doing all the talking, all the doing, etc., in our lives. What makes it Christ is that we will dare to put our faith in the fact that it is He.
Page is a good storyteller and throughout the recording uses a series of stories and her own testimony to illustrate her points. She relates how she was so desperate and dissatisfied with herself that she dared to believe that because she was joined to Christ at her spirit center that it was Christ living His life through her. She became satisfied with herself for the first time. How? She stopped trying to change herself and trying to be a better person. If anything needed to be changed, then that was Gods business, and He would do the changing.
Page emphasizes that we dont have a message that workswe have a Person who works and what causes Him to work in us is for us to believe it is He working by us. Faith creates a reality faith really does create a reality. To believe into God creates a God-reality. To believe in ourselves (independent us) brings about a Satan-reality, and that is a secret Satan wants to keep from us!
To find out morefrom someone who lives in the freedom of knowing who she is and loves sharing it with otherswe heartily recommend that you listen to this tape yourself.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 22 No 4
- The Life of Faith
- How It Really Works
- Faith Lessons
- Faith Defies Difficulty
- Words to Live By
- Testimony–C.T. Studd
- Wanted: Faith and Fools
- How Acquire Faith?
- Bible Study: Faith
- Not my Will but Yours
- Tape Review: "Faith Creates a Reality"
- Mighty Through God
- Editor’s Note
- Book Review: The Law of Faith, Chapter 26