Editor’s Note
This issue of The Intercessor is comprised of articles, excerpts, and features devoted entirely to the topic of faith, including excellent accounts of biblical and contemporary people who learned how to consistently walk by faith, not by sight.
Our lead article, The Life of Faith unfolds Norman Grubb’s lifelong personal search to understand the workings of faith, punctuated with anecdotes from his lifetime of living by faith. In this excellent excerpt from The Law of Faith, Norman discusses faith as a natural, God-given faculty exercised by every person everyday to obtain what we need or desirethe act of claiming what we desireand how to apply that same faith in spiritual matters. Men Who Learned It, is the biblical record of God’s dealings with four Old Testament heroes of faith to bring them through to mature, transformed lives. From Abraham through Moses, we see how God exposed the false view, inherited from the Fall, that humans are independently operated, the innate helplessness of the human vessel, the moment of realized union, and the transformation which followed.
Brett Burrowes Bible Study, Faith, is a penetrating look at how to live from spiritual realities that we cannot know with our senses. Interspersing biblical and contemporary illustrations, Brett fleshes out what faith is and how it is used to appropriate God’s truth for our lives, most notably Galatians 2:20. Similarly, How Acquire Faith? tackles head-on a question so often asked today: Once I agree with the biblical facts, how do I make it real for me? Starting with the necessary preparationthe Spirit’s exposure of our sin and separation from God Norman explains the depths of Gods solution in Christ and the one essential element we must bring: the deliberate choice to bring our one percent of human faith to meet the ninety-nine percent of Gods grace. Especially clear is Normans treatment of a hindrance often experienced by Christiansputting our faith in our feelings, rather than biblical, Spirit-revealed facts.
In a penetrating look at How It Really Works, Page Prewitt dispels several misconceptions held by people who know who they are in Christ but are not experiencing His victorious life. She diagnoses the source of the problemtaking bits and snatches but never coming full circle to the total truthand explains how to correctly apply the other half of the equation. Moving on, Page also offers a full-circle approach to the shoulds and oughts we face in daily life based on Colossians 1:28-29. Truly a must-read for those who would come full-circle in their personal faith-walk.
A Missionary Under Conviction, taken from Norman’s biography Mighty Through God, reveals the workings of the Spirit in the life of WEC missionary Edith Moules. In a candid, almost-diary like style, we see how the Spirit took this dedicated missionary through the conviction of her subtle sins of the heartthe way of the Crossto a personal and corporate revival. Readers who have enjoyed Continuous Revival will appreciate this detailed illustration of how God works, if we are receptive, to bring us into spiritual maturity. Another glimpse into a life of faith, Testimony describes how WECs founding missionary, C.T. Studd, joyfully deposited every pound of his sizeable inheritance into the bank of Heaven.
Finally, for a glimpse of the final outcome of a life of faith, dont miss this issues reviews. In a departure from our standard format, A Look at a Book is a candid interview with three people who share the impact of the last chapter of Normans The Law of Faith on their personal faith-life. If you prefer listening, Tape Talk highlights Page Prewitts excellent talk on Faith Creates a Reality the vital connection between what we choose to believe and how we live out everyday life.
We believe readers will enjoy this issues treatment of seldom explored truths that are essential to the mature life of faith.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 22 No 4
- The Life of Faith
- How It Really Works
- Faith Lessons
- Faith Defies Difficulty
- Words to Live By
- Testimony–C.T. Studd
- Wanted: Faith and Fools
- How Acquire Faith?
- Bible Study: Faith
- Not my Will but Yours
- Tape Review: "Faith Creates a Reality"
- Mighty Through God
- Editor’s Note
- Book Review: The Law of Faith, Chapter 26