Letters from Norman
March 26, 1980
June darling,
How good to hear from you, and such a living letter. So I love what you say, darling, and that last article on MISSING TRUTH found it’s June echo. I have now spent many hours, even days here on doing something on “Romans 6-8” and “Paul’s Key to the Liberated Life.” I see that many folks, such as my own precious WEC folks get immersed in their great field activities and think they have all from their Bible School training on officially Gal. 2:20 but don’t really know themselves AS He and it is obvious with the cares, strains, worries etc. which they carry as if they are they. But they tend to think what I say is “Just Rubi.” But as I present it interpreting Paul’s own word, they might then “catch on.” There are plans to print it as a booklet and I’ll send 1000 to every
Weccer. But interpreting Paul is a fiercer job than just shooting out an article so it has taken time and I’ve got much profit from it also. Yes, yes, the key is the understanding of the human self. Then when once eyes are opened, it is clear and simple and we are done for–we can’t keep to ourselves–pearls of great price!
So yes, darling, write an article and be sure you send it to The Intercessor. That plain little mag sticks totally true to our TRUTH. If you send tell them we are close friends for years and I encouraged you to send! Others do not stick just totally to our ONE REALITY and we MUST!!!!
Loving you, darling though we don’t meet.
March 31, 1980
June dearest,
What an attractive invitation you give me, both from yourself and Henry. You know I would love those days, not merely for sharing with others, but of renewing our former marvelous days together.
But I have been so slow in answering, because I still don’t know when I could offer. I am tied right up through August. Shall love to talk over “problems and trials” with you also dear. The liberating word God gives me is that His “control” of adverse things is not enough. It implies others are doing what He doesn’t like, but permits. But what He teaches me is that He MEANS all evil. See Rom. 9:17 “Raised him up”!! Then when I see God means evil, I see all evil is Satan in different forms having a temporary grip on what he claims as his human slaves; (either dwelling in them if unsaved or snapping at them if saved), but Satan is a bluffer. He has no power (see Jesus answer to Pilate John 19:11). And when thus I accept adverse things or people or situations as meant by Him, I am free to love (rather than being judgmental) because I know all is Satan operating by precious humans, and free to believe for God’s always good interventions!! I am writing again on this in what I’m now doing called YES I AM.
So I will write again later, dearest, and loving you as we always have loved each other, and Henry.
Your, Norman
Jan 23, 1982
Thank you precious June, as always for your good letter. I am late in writing because of my 2.5 month tour to the West. Wonderful times, but it meant mail had piled up, specially loving letters about Pauline and I’m only now reading and delighting in many of them. So thank you for yours darling, though our letter-writing goes far back to Columbus days and our love has never changed. So it was good at last to have had those days with you and Henry. I continue rejoicing in precious Pauline’s joy with Jesus.
So glad you had this good tour and vacation dearest. You know I didn’t realize you had not been feeling well. Hope this means a new permanency. I keep learning the reality of only believing in my eternal health in Christ, and removing my believings from physical appearances and then I so often find the Spirit quickens in the body also.
And as to our witness to this “liberated life,” as you say, when the Spirit has made us inwardly fixedly know that we are really He in our forms, and are one with and part of the Living One expressed in all His universe and all people, then that quality of released being just “exudes” from us, doesn’t it? Light never sees itself, but IS, and others see by it!! So you keep on being “total” with all your totality, no matter what the effect appear to be on folks, and things are always happening because beneath exteriors the Spirit is speaking while we live and share! So living to hear from you, darling because I love you and Henry. Shall look for the next.
Loving you, Norman