Part 11 – How Temptation Really Works
The above applies to me in relation to my writing this booklet. In spite of the fact that I have known from the beginning that the task of writing this is something I have been commissioned to do, I have been plagued with the feelings of inadequacy and fear of being unable to do it. And not to be left out, my thoughts go hand in hand with my feelings–I think over and over, I am not good at writing; this is too hard so I will just quit and leave the writing to those who are good at it.” Along with thoughts like this, I feel very inadequate and fearful to attempt such a task.
Satan tried to use this approach when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness (John 4:1-11). He began his discourse with Jesus, not as we would expect, tempting Him with food (Jesus was hungry because he had fasted for forty days) or with power. He tempted Him with pride. Satan preceded all his specific temptations with this piercing statement: If you are who you say you are, you can turn these stones into bread or you can throw yourself off the temple and God will send angels to save you.
Jesus could have come back with, Of course I am who I say I am; I am the Christ, the Son of the living God”–the I” meaning that He had what it took in and of Himself to do what Satan tempted Him to do and go Satan’s self-for-self way. The truth, and He made it quite clear, is that He and His Father are One, and He does only what He sees His Father do (John 14:10). His strengths and His abilities are operated only in love for others, just as are those of His Father.
Let’s pick up where we left off a couple of paragraphs back with our discussion of my problem writing this paper. Is my struggle with what I am thinking and feeling? Or do I have a much bigger problem? Look at my sentence for a minute: “I am incapable of getting my thoughts organized and written down and I feel inadequate and fearful.”
Remember that Satan begins all temptation by trying to get us to see ourselves as independent or, just me.” But as we have said again and again, there is no independent or just me individual in the universe. For that reason the answer to the question is obviously NO! Nevertheless, if I continue to repeat Satan’s lies, I put myself in danger of disobediently crossing the line from being tempted to believe I am independent to actually believing I am. If/when I do this, I commit the original sin of unbelief. This gives Satan the freedom to take control of me on the soul level, thus blocking Christ from living His life in and through me. At the same time, Satan gains the freedom to misuse me through my members (body/soul).
Continue Reading
- Part 1 – Desperate to Live Right
- Part 2 – We’re the Container, Not the Contents
- Part 3 – Satan Was Our Boss
- Part 4 – “I” – The Original Sin
- Part 5 – Our Human Makeup
- Part 6 – Crucified with Christ — What Does It Mean?
- Part 7 – Body, Soul and Spirit
- Part 8 – Soul—The Troublemaker
- Part 9 – Just What Is Spirit?
- Part 10 – What About Sin?
- Part 11 – How Temptation Really Works
- Part 12 – Avoiding the Sin Trap
- Part 13 – What To Do About the Turmoil of Feelings
- Part 14 – Not I, But Christ