Statement of PurposeThe purpose of this magazine is to further the great high calling of the Lord Jesus to carry His Gospel to the whole world. This calling is known in the Christian world as the … continue reading.
The Price of VictoryI say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish myself … continue reading.
Letters from Norman...Sept.27.81Dear Folks,Among so many loving letters I received is one from one of us with whom I had been very close since she first launched out to Congo, and we have shared … continue reading.
A New Life in Christ...Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven … continue reading.
Words to Live By...Discern between soul and spirit where the soul, the seat of the emotions and reason is variable and can convey variable impressions to us, as much lowering as elevating; but we live … continue reading.
Breaking Free From Sexual Sin: First StepsBelow is an email dialogue initiated by a brother in Christ who recently made a choice to break free from sexual sin. As the emails show, this brother … continue reading.
BIBLE STUDY:The Battle Is Joinedby Brett BurrowesARMAGEDDON... BENEATH OUR VERY EYESMost Christians have heard that in the final days before the second coming, there will be a great climactic battle … continue reading.
Zerubbabel Focus My Role in the Joanna LangleySome of you might know me as the girl with the British accent who answers the phone when you call Zerubbabel Press to order books or to add … continue reading.
Rejoice in the Lord Kim LangleyIt was Monday morning and it was a gray, rainy day, when I was heading to work in my car thinking, "Well, this is perfect! This is the perfect time to … continue reading.
Tape Talkby Gail BedellCD REVIEW:The Uniqueness of Our Messageby Norman GrubbThis talk, recorded on the first night of a weekend retreat, is full of insight into the uniqueness of the Total Truth … continue reading.
The Chocolate Soldierby C. T. StuddAnd so the tale goes on. Go where you will through the Scriptures or history, you will find that men who really knew God, and did not merely say they did, were … continue reading.
NARROW IS THE ROAD... Very many think the road to heaven is an easy affair and they get slack and then comes the mischief; unless Jesus and the Bible lied (and they didn't, of course), the road will … continue reading.
Editor's Note This issue's collection of vintage and fresh features and excerpts from Norman's books offers a very sharp and timely focus on spiritual warfare. C.T. Studd lays down the gauntlet to … continue reading.
What is an Intercessor?by Norman GrubbFollowing last issue's introduction to the principle of intercession, Norman now focuses more closely on how God calls out intercessors today, drawing on his own … continue reading.
That Clever Godby Norman GrubbWe ask ourselves, How can a general fact become a personal experience? The answer is that simplest of ways by which alone all the generalities of life become personal … continue reading.