A Letter From Norman
Dear Carol,
I am so glad you have again poured out your heart. You see what the Spirit must do is to wean you right away from assessing life from your self point of view. I know you know that and end your letter by saying “how to hand over I can’t make out.” So back and back we come to this, love. Of course you have handed over in your inner Carol self–your spirit–and He has taken you totally over, so that you are He in your form; but you swing to and fro between soul-self “feelings” and Spirit-reality. You mistakenly keep saying such phrases as “all I know in the mind and not of the spirit.” No, darling, your mind, your mind-set, IS the mind of the Spirit in you. See Romans 13:2 (and you have done this) and Ephesians 4:23; and in Romans 8:5-9, you do walk in the “minding of the Spirit” and are not ALL in the flesh. So, darling, your mind-set is the mind of Christ operating in you; if it were not, you wouldn’t be caring and writing to me about yourself! So don’t mistake your real “mind” again.
But according to Hebrews 4:12, you have not settled into that discerning between soul and spirit; and all this soul-self stuff (which is really Satan attacking your emotions and reasons with his self-self stuff) are only attacked on you. And God means you to have them (so praise Him for them) because they press you into that constant affirming that your “collapses” into eating (we all have some “lusts” darling, apparently yours is eating) are soul-body attacks on you, really from Satan. Then when they get you, dare to rise up, though it may “seem a battle,” by refusing to say that overeating/lust has power over you. Pick up and tell God that He only (read 1 Cor. 7:12-13) is the power in you and the other is only an outer attack on you via your body-lusts (which we all have in one way or another).
Then, darling, refuse to say such nonsense as that you are a worm (though you may feel it–soul). And affirm yourself as precious eternal daughter of God. And don’t “fear” to go places or be with folks because this “thing gets you.” What you fear is really the real sin (not the eating is the sin!) of believing evil, and what you believe you experience. So KEEP BELIEVING YOU ARE ONLY HE AND NONE ELSE; then when the food attacks get you, you see them as soul-body attacks NOT YOUR REAL SELF.
So you see, darling, it comes down to what is our “minding”–Romans 8:5-7; and your minding is He as you. Your soul-thoughts may wander all over the place with thoughts, fearings and condemnations etc., but you keep realizing they are NOT YOU. That is why in Hebrews 4:12 it says God discerns between thoughts and intents of the heart. Intents are your fixed spirit-self, Christ as you; thoughts are changeable, soul-stuff and not you.
And, darling, if you say that yes you know all this and do affirm, but don’t feel any different and still get caught up by these attacks, well STILL KEEP AFFIRMING FACT–against all hell and feelings, and remembering that God means you to have these attacks and feelings as your training ground. So praise for them also!
And don’t say you are useless, you are aware He walks in you at present. All life is just He being Himself in our forms, thus learn contentment with Him.
Ever your own “Uncle,”