Editor’s Note
Editor’s Note
This issue’s collection of vintage and fresh features and excerpts from Norman’s books offers a very sharp and timely focus on spiritual warfare. C.T. Studd lays down the gauntlet to engage in the warfare in the second half of "The Chocolate Soldier." Relying, as always, on the Bible, C.T. sharply contrasts the heroes with the "Chocolates" of their day and notes that we are currently surely in the last Laodicean stage of the Church age- "the lukewarm Church. His final command? "Enlist!"
Brett Burrowes’ Bible study, "Armegeddon…Beneath Our Very Eyes" (taken from the July/August, 1994 Intercessor) is also a call to arms. "This battle is not something spectacubeen lar…but rages within those trials as their inner core and spiritual essence." Furthering this perspective, Brett discusses the weapons of our warfare named in Ephesians 6 with a deeper perspective-in light of who we are and Who is warring through and as us.
Left to Norman is the answer to the next question, "Now that I’m equipped, how is the war waged, and what is the offensive battle plan?" Our lead article, Norman’s "What is an Intercessor?" lays it out. We are commissioned, as are officers in the armed services, to do a specific intercession- become totally engaged on behalf of a specific person or accomplishment. Just as in war we must have a battle plan and specific objectives, so God commissions His intercessors toward a specific goal through three stages: commission, cost and completion. And Norman shows us examples of this warfare his life, which he calls "an adventure…at the highest level of spiritual faith."
This month’s excerpt from The Intercession of Rees Howells touches briefly on the cost of victory-a scriptural reminder from the Apostle Paul that the Christ-life is a laiddown life so that our "kinsmen according to the flesh" might know Christ in His fullness. In this day of prosperity preaching, it is a sobering reminder that only through identification with Him in suffering do we labor in our faith-battles on behalf of those around us.
Kim Langley presents a microcosm of boot-camp training, and a reminder that spiritual warfare begins in our thought-life-affirming the truth against appearances. Becoming skilled in this manner of warfare prepares the way for greater battles for the liberation others from Satan’s dominion.
"Getting Free from Sexual Sin," an exchange of e-mails, underscores the powerful stronghold of sexual sin in a young man’s life and the spiritual warfare waged by he and his Christian friends. It is particularly revealing to get a glimpse of how the battle was fought and the liberation that came through honest confession, repentance, and complete trust in Christ in the form of Christian friends-a true victory!
Norman strengthens the foundation of our warfare-faith-in a book excerpt, "That Clever God." Discussing the basic difference between Satan’s sin and Man’s, he reminds us of the naturalness of faith-in our freedom to choose, we take what is available, and it "takes us"-whether food or salvation. Norman points out that we begin deluded by Satan, and must be thoroughly disillusioned-faced with our sins by the light of God’s perfect law-to desire change and reach out by faith to Christ for salvation.
Finally, we are thrilled to announce exciting news! We have launched our official Website, www.zpress.org featuring back issues of The Intercessor, convenient online ordering of books and other materials, a subscription for daily e-devotionals, and much more. Finally, we are soon to be offering on CD some of Norman’s teachings never before offered to the public. For a taste, be sure to read this issue’s CD review, "The Uniqueness of Our Message."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 22 No 2
- Statement of Purpose
- The Price of Victory
- Letters from Norman…
- A New Life in Christ…
- Words to Live By…
- Breaking Free From Sexual Sin: First Steps
- BIBLE STUDY:The Battle Is Joined
- Zerubbabel Focus My Role in the Ministry…
- Rejoice in the Lord Always
- Tape Talk
- The Chocolate Soldier
- Editor’s Note
- What is an Intercessor?
- That Clever God by Norman Grubb