Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me. Yes, I am the vine; … continue reading.
Editors NoteThis issue explores the complete salvation available in Christ, yet so seldom understood and appropriated. Our lead article, Pauls Key to the Liberated LifeRomans 6-8 (Part 1) is the … continue reading.
The Storm Breaksby Norman GrubbI was sitting on the edge of C.T. Studds native bed. We were in his bamboo house in the heart of the Ituri Forest. It was 3 a.m. He looked very white and drawn. His … continue reading.
Pauls Key to the Liberated Life...Romans 6 to 8by Norman GrubbNorman delves into the very heart of these key chapters, where Paul takes us from the fact of being right-righteousselves through the … continue reading.
The Answerby Norman GrubbTaken from The Spontaneous You, the following article unfolds the effect of the Law to reveal our sin and need of a Savior, then to dispel the illusion that as redeemed people … continue reading.
Two Men of Godby Norman GrubbI am reluctant to use personal illustrations when there are so many around me, among my Crusade and Union Life fellow workers, who could fill books with like experiences. … continue reading.
A Look at a Book by Chris AndersonBOOK REVIEW: Who Am I : Chapters 20 and 21by Norman GrubbA book review on two chapters? Oh, yesdefinitely. Easy when it is two chapters written by Norman Grubb. Why? … continue reading.
Zerubbabel FocusThe Zerubbabel Press Web Siteby Joanna CoatneyIn the last issue of The Intercessor, I introduced myself and told you how I came to be living and working in Boone and described a little … continue reading.
BIBLE STUDY: Is The Blood of Jesus Enough?by Brett BurrowesMost, if not all, Christians are familiar with the atoning blood of Christ. It is, after all foundational to everything else, for until we … continue reading.
Tape Talkby Irene GilsenanCD REVIEW: Abrahamby Norman GrubbIn this series of 3 CDs, Norman tracks the stages of Abrahams life. En route, he emphasizes Abrahams lessons in faith, which culminated in … continue reading.
Words to Live By The quality of Spirit-spirit union is stillness, for the universal is always still. Be still and know that I am God. God spoke to Elijah in a still, small voice. Spirit can be … continue reading.
Letters from Norman April 12 1982My dearI am not mentioning your name, except on the first copy of this to you, as I want to make use of our valuable correspondence to share with others both in WEC … continue reading.