Faith Notes
The thread of our faith often wears very thin, but it must not snap. If it does, we give up. If it doesn’t, we crawl on, until, almost unrealized by ourselves, a natural miracle has taken place. What we were seeking to get hold of has got hold of us.
–The Liberating Secret
Facts are, whether we accept them or not: but faith alone makes them facts in our personal experience, and therefore proven facts to us.
–The Liberating Secret
Faith means that we turn our attention from the need to the Supplier who is already supplying that need, and who allowed the need because He intends to supply it to His glory.
—The Deep Things of God
Let us remember that nothing outer holds us. We are only held by our own self-attitudes. If we see evil, and are held by our seeing, we have our inner hells of fear, hate, struggle, pessimism.
—Yes, I Am