The Holy and Hidden Mystery
There is a background to the manifestation of the mighty works of God through a human channel. Underlying resurrection is death. Paul to possess all things had nothing; to make many rich was poor; to be powerful and wise had become foolish and weak; to be re-made had been broken. To share the intimate fellowship of a Savior he went the way of saviorhood, ‘suffered the loss of all things,’ ‘became conformable to death.’ We know and can employ through the Spirit the powers of the world to come in the measure that we have died out to enslavement to the possessions, glories, ways of this world. It is a real death, as prelude to a real new life. The Lord Christ made some strange statements, such as that it costs some an eye or limb to enter the Kingdom, that a disciple must forsake all, must ‘hate’ loved ones, possessions, life. By this He meant that such an one must pass through fires in which the selfish claims of natural loves and the selfish hold on the ‘good things’ of life, not to speak of the bad, must be burnt out to make room for the influx of supernatural grace, vision and resources. Holy and hidden mystery–that through the Cross is power, through the Cross glory, through the Cross joy, through the Cross fruitfulness. God grant that we may be of this company of the abundant life, with a gaiety that is irrepressible, an attraction that is
irresistible (through ourselves to Him), an adventurousness, an optimism and a courage that strike the deep chords of human nature; yet withal with a purity, intensity, meekness and altruism which are not of this world, but are a sweet savior of Christ, both of life unto life and death unto death. These are they who in every generation ‘turn the world upside down’ and make
preparation for the glorious day of Christ’s personal appearing. Even so come, Lord Jesus.
–Taken from After C.T. Studd.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 32 No 4
- Faith Illustrations–The Original Christmas
- Two Men of God
- Three Exciting New Projects
- The Holy and Hidden Mystery
- Tell it Like it Is
- Q & A
- From Who Am I?
- Bible Bedrock
- From The Intercession of Rees Howells
- A Letter from Norman
- Except by Faith
- The Editor’s Note
- The War and After
- The Intercessor: Behind the Scenes