Letters From Norman
Dec 22. 1971
Dear Ivy,
You pop in such intriguing questions dear. I think the big final step is from “I do nothing…He does all” to “I do all, because I am He in His Norman (Ivy) form!” Of course bold. But the key is realized unity, then we can forget it and live! You ask about my two years that were between the affirmation of faith of Galatians 2:20 and the realization by inner witness that faith was substance. Faith starts by taking Him, ends by realizing that HE has taken us, and we are done for! That’s the key to freedom, isn’t it? No, dear, you are free, because you are just your natural self, yet the hidden joke is that it is not really Ivy at all, but Jesus in Ivy’s form. You know that. So you go ahead with all that makes natural free living. We had to give up the world while we wanted to hold on to any of it as mine. We gain back the whole world when it is mine to give myself to in love. Then we “have” nothing, yet “possess all things.”
Is the life constant you ask? Yes, because HE is the constant One, and He never changes in His unity with me. He is there even in my sins. The only shadows are on my side. So I refuse all condemnations, and if there is rightful guilt through a sin, I replace it with the fact that the sin is not there in God’s sight because of the Blood, and therefore not in my sight. You know that, dear one. Do I fall back in to sin? Yes, my dear. I remain a free human. But that makes no difference. Quick sinning, quick cleansing, and the danger is not the sin, but the unbelief which either does not take the cleansing as a fact, or looks fearfully into the future–shall I do it again?–instead of just walking with Jesus NOW. No, darling, I don’t believe we fall back in to unbelief, but we are meant to have doubts, just as we are meant to have all kinds of human reactions, because they relate us livingly to situations, and are a springboard for faith that He takes over.
Well, my love, I shall hope that even in your hectic life you can write more on some of these things we are sharing.
Norman Grubb
Nov. 24 1971
Joan dearest,
Yes, it is a long time since we’ve exchanged letters and I was wondering how you are—so I’m so glad to hear.
Congratulations, dear. You are being weaned away from man dependence alright!! God has to get us all that way by one means or another–one real and final death, where Job went, where there’s nothing left in the universe except GOD, and what we call evil appearances are really only God-in-disguise, as Jesus saw through at the Cross, not to some devil’s activity, but being His Father’s determined cup. Glorious!! So you are tasting, dearest, and beginning to drink the cup of liberty in the members of the True Body you have discovered since you were put out from under the cloak of the formal.
Still training days, I reckon. God will open some new door of ministry in a larger way, though you are at present preciously occupied where God has put you, and that’s all He “gives” us to do.
Fancy you being officially challenged on your “faith” in this “free” country. We keep going as before, by my one problem in this “free” life is the constantly increasing invitations to new folks or return to old. The thing is for folks to find themselves settled in their inner union relationship with Him who is their living bread; then, when hungering no more in themselves, they can be occupied in being “bread for others.” As you dear ones are.
Wish I could have a time with you. Hope to be getting around Britain all summer.
Ever lovingly, precious friend!