A Letter from Norman
May 11 1971
Maureen dearest–precious to me through so many years!
Thank you for yours, dear. I always love the way you share with me. And of course I’m thrilled when you say you know and prove this is the “total Truth.” IT is clearer all the time that God has commissioned us to take the Holy Spirit’s revelation to the whole body of Christ worldwide, which we call The Twentieth Century COMPLETION of what Luther began with Justification–with Col. 1:23-28 as our marching orders. YES I AM is being a confirming word to many.
Yes, love, we simply walk as who we are–HE in our forms, and we go on giving out all He pours through us with no strings attached. If folks leave you, as you say, we look neither to the right nor to the left–only we give what we have, boldly fully with no compromise, and here and there will be the fruits shewing above ground. You are right not to move, and those whom the Spirit draws will come. We are having much encouragement and many “seeing.”
Glad you are clear in running into any kind of organization unless and until God gives a word. Some organization is a human necessity, even meeting in a home needs some; but once (at least I have found this thank God in these 50 years in WEC) you have tasted the liberation of the life where it is we being outer forms of Him who is The Universal Life, the organizing element goes way into the background. There is nothing I am more thankful for than that He used me these years to keep WEC free from becoming choked in the weeds of organization, and to remain a bunch of fellowships in the Spirit bringing new fellowships in the same Spirit into being worldwide, each of them equally learning how to walk in that same liberty in God.
So this is your present walk in the Spirit, dear. It’s not your business to make any plans for the future. We live in only one tense–the present–NOW. God has what is coming, and undoubtedly on a larger scale of blessing, all fixed up for you.
So this with my continuing love, dear, and along with you in Spirit.
Ever lovingly, Norman
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 32 No 4
- Faith Illustrations–The Original Christmas
- Two Men of God
- Three Exciting New Projects
- The Holy and Hidden Mystery
- Tell it Like it Is
- Q & A
- From Who Am I?
- Bible Bedrock
- From The Intercession of Rees Howells
- A Letter from Norman
- Except by Faith
- The Editor’s Note
- The War and After
- The Intercessor: Behind the Scenes