While many accept that Christ’s spirit indwells the redeemed, Norman Grubb received revelation that the Satan/sin/spirit of error also dwells in the unredeemed. Here, Norman delves into the two-fold … continue reading.
Christ then came to be “the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” How did He do this, and what does it mean? First, let us carefully note that in His own human life, though … continue reading.
This excerpt from Yes, I Am, explores how the historic biblical facts of God’s plan of salvation are not just past history, but “totally applicable to our own inner selves.” We will now see the way … continue reading.
We now turn our attention to the area of our daily living. It has been wonderful to have the disturbing questions of our past and future settled, for, however the world may try to hide it, until we … continue reading.
The following pages are a brief sharing from my heart of what is for me the Total Truth of the “mystery which hath been hid from the ages which is Christ in you the hope of glory” (Col. 1:26, 27). … continue reading.
Why are we not as we should be? Here is the answer. Which leads to the next question: How can we be what we should be, or can we? The answer is a thankful Yes. There is the way back, as there was the … continue reading.
“I am the vine; you are the branches” – John 15:5 (New King James Version) The actual fact of the relationship of the union cannot be safely realized, or lived by, until once and for all it has … continue reading.