Letters From Norman
St. Simons Island, GA,
April 26th
Marilyn dear,
Dont try to give up anything because trying is human self-effort. Tell God you dont want to give up anything, but then tell him you know Hes grabbed you and you trust HIM to make you give up what HE knows you should. Then DONT TRY. Keep on as you are, and expect HIM to do the loosening! Trying is really still the self-effort spirit of Satan working on you.
Then, yes, love, we are always persons and so always must be self-satisfied. So dont be alarmed by feelings of self-pleasure. The big difference is we used to get pleasure by being for ourselves, but now our pleasure is being for God and others. But meanwhile we live in a world of fallen self-pleasing, so sure, we shall be continually pulled by temptations, dont fight them; but then say Thats only Satan tempting me, and he has a right to, Im living in his camp, but those self-drawings are only his pulls on me, what I really am pleased with is glorifying Christ in my life. Then you just substitute your Christ-being for the temptation pulls.
As to falling away, love, such fears are to press you into that boldness of faith which says, Youve chosen me, and keep me, and its up to You to keep keeping me, so Ill have no fear, which really means Im not loving and trusting you truly! Actually falling away is not falling, it would mean you hated anddespised God and wanted no more of Him. So were not in that dimension!! Love, youll never be too bold in writing me, I like bold ones, and hope I shall see you at the end of my Nov. tour!
As for this zeal question, dear, keep off trying to assess yourself. Light does-nt look at itself, it just SHINES, and others see by it. If you have really and finally believed according to Gal.2.20 that you are now CHRIST living in you as you, and you His human form, then leave Him to give you the stirring He wants to. If you dont feel you have zeal, then dont try to have it. Just be your loving Marilyn self, and Christ manifesting Himself in His Marilyn form as He pleases. Got it, love? Write again.
Always loving you,
Tampa, FL
May 2nd
Marilyn my dear,
Your letter has followed down to me on this tour. You know I always like to exchange letters with you. You are such a plain searcher and digger, and you share your searchings with me.
Of course you are right, dear, this trying life is way off, because it is really Satans independent try-try spirit expressed by us as if us. But as you realise it is Gods good negative way of giving us a good dark which can then be replaced by a perfect light.
But dear, the stones of stumbling you are always being tripped up on is that you hope God may sometime bring you to this release, but meanwhile you must struggle and suffer. SOMEHOW the Spirit will open your eyes to the given fact that all this is already yours. That Satan-spirit of try, try was cast out on Jesuss body on Calvary, of course representing our bodies (2 Cor. 5:14 & 21, and then Rom. 6:6, 7 & 11.) You see you are still assessing your experience by your feelings and appearances. Youll never get through that way, and by that deceit. You and we have to BELIEVE. Our only obedience is what Paul called us toto the obedience of faith, Rom. 1:5 & 16:26, almost the first and last verses of Romansjust obeying not by works but by solidly believing what He has told you to believe in His word!
Dear, theres no other way, and you foolishly suffer till you obey by believing. And believing means from your heart and will saying a thing is what the Scripture says it is, and keep saying it as fact, and bearing witness to it, no matter how you or others feel. So you say, I am the love of God (Christ in me), and dont say I need that kind of love! And dont wait for a heart of flesh, but SAY I have that heart because it is He as me, even though you feel it is still a heart of stone! No other way, love.
So Ive got to keep getting at my Marilyn pen-friend until you obey and simply say and say and say those facts about yourselfthat that try-try spirit of independent self has been put out of you at Calvary, and the Spirit of truth, HE HIMSELF in you as you, fixed for eternity is the fact. And as you keep saying it, the Spirit will confirm it to you and youll write and tell me so1 John 5:10.
Loving you as ever,
January 22nd
Marilyn dear,
You are caught up and locked up by the loving Spirit who will not have you possessed by any but Himself. Its no good, dear, you crying out why He doesnt reveal Himself to you in the way in which you think He should, and what about your wandering thoughts etc. All this is irrelevant. He IS revealing Himself to you as you in you, but while you try to experience the revelation, you never will, because it is still a subtle form of self-reliance, and you would finally attribute any revelation to the fact of you seeing Him. So you are shut up to faith, and you know by now, love, this faith means you obey by believing and outwardly saying it with your mouth that while you once were indwelt by Satan and expressed his nature, now through Christ, He is the permanent indweller in you, and you are so joined that you are being He in expression whether you realise it or not. And realizing is merely secondary and even dangerous when you can then make a boast, as it were, that you are inwardly conscious. No, dear, you ARE, you ARE, you ARE. Thats all. And when you lay down your arms and stop questioning and almost demanding some conscious consciousness, youll remain unconscious. You have got to say with the Psalmist (139) that if you are making your bed in hell Thou are there.
Loving you,
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 21 No 3
- Speaking The Word of Faith
- Editor’s Note
- A Miracle of Small Stones
- A Vision For Zerubbabel
- Tape Talk
- Modern Man and the Ultimate Question
- Two Common Misunderstandings
- Living in the Promised Land
- BIBLE STUDY: Sin, Satan, and the Flesh
- School Days
- To Think About
- Powerless over Alcohol and Life: Step 10
- Letters From Norman
- A Priceless Inheritance
- Words To Live By
- The Laugh of Faith Part 1