Taken from Yes I Am, the following article explores how we take spirit actionthen move from thought to deedto bring about a desired outcome. We have seen that one stream of the rivers of living … continue reading.
We continue to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Intercessor by blending insights from past issues with fresh, current perspectives on the Total Truth. The articles in this issue form a mosaic of … continue reading.
As I sit down to write my testimony, I try to think, "What is it that I have to tell anyone?" Well, the simple fact is that I know the message of Jesus Christ living in me as me to be true. … continue reading.
Since this is the first Zerubbabel report of our Zerubbabel Conference Center in our first newsletter, I need to bring you up to date on events in the past several months. First, many more are now … continue reading.
Early in the first of his 2-tape set on Galatians, Norman tells us that the letter was written for the specific purpose of giving us a background to what God is bringing into reality through Christ in … continue reading.
I am greatly interested in the inward direction of our thinking these days, which is causing so much religious ferment. It seems to be giving the skeptic cause to say, Where is your God up there? We … continue reading.
As with Paul, so now our proclamation of the Gospel once delivered to the saints is open to misinterpretation. Paul acknowledged one such problem: As we be slanderously reported, and some affirm … continue reading.
For many years now, one of my favourite stories in the Bible (Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) has been how the children of Israel wandered in the dessert for 40 years before they entered the Promised … continue reading.
In the Christian world there is a lot of confusion about the meaning of the terms flesh and sin, especially as Paul uses them in his letters. In fact the misunderstanding of these words has had … continue reading.
Prov 9:10 in NKJ"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. I live in a college town, and as summer turns to fall and the new freshman … continue reading.
The point is the habit of always relating all things that happen to me to the meeting of some needs in others. It is the difference between frustration and opportunity. If I just see things as … continue reading.
Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. Although the work this step requires seems really hard, I am reminded that my real work is to mature in my … continue reading.
St. Simons Island, GA,April 26th Marilyn dear, Dont try to give up anything because trying is human self-effort. Tell God you dont want to give up anything, but then tell him you know Hes grabbed … continue reading.
For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for his children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And God, in his mighty power, will protect you … continue reading.
Gods pleasure, Christs joy are an outcome of His giving Himself, not pleasing Himself. True pleasure is when my self-pleasing is fulfilled in self-giving, and my self-love finds full satisfaction in … continue reading.
What a lot of dry-bone religion there is! Go and stand at the door of almost any place of worship, and watch the faces of those who enter. How many look as if they were going there for enjoyment? … continue reading.