Now Then Do It
C.T. Studd, founder of the Heart of Africa Mission (later the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade), wrote many songs and poems throughout his years as a missionary. This poem we are printing was written during his time in the Belgian Congo, where he sang them in the native language, Bangala, and plucked them out on his old banjo.
The Religion of God is Christ Jesus,
Incarnate and crucified,
Risen, ascended, and seated
On the Throne at the Father’s side.
The Gospel of Christ is so simple,
That a child can understand
That the Way of Salvation for sinners
Is to take Christ’s outstretched hand!
The Compassion of Christ is amazing!
He has opened so wide the door
Of heaven, that the chiefest of sinners
Can enter, in spite of the law.
The Commands of Christ are all possible!
And intended to be obeyed!
His Precepts are always Promises,
To be cashed and fully paid
The New Command of Christ Jesus
Is that Christians should love one another,
As Christ hath loved us and redeemed us,
Not as Cain, who killed his brother
World-wide evangelization
Was our Saviour’s last command;
Be sure He will help us to do it [do it through us]
If we take the matter in hand.
If we jib and refuse to do it,
We may as well tell the truth!
We’re not true Disciples of Jesus
But “Chocolate Soldiers” forsooth!
For genuine Soldiers are heroes,
“Chocolate Soldiers” are “shams,”
The Soldiers of Jesus are lions,
Not hares, nor timid lambs.
On earth we’re not out to win titles,
Nor pleasure, wealth, nor ease;
Christ saved us to do Him service,
And not to do as we please.
We may be weak and foolish,
And poor–and worthless–and odd,
But Jesus Christ is our Wisdom,
Our all in all is God.
God’s wisdom is super-human,
His power beyond compare,
Since He’s promised to be our Commander
We shall fight without a care.
Our Commissariat’s certain!
God feeds the birds of the air!
Do you think He won’t feed His Soldiers
Who obey–and do–and dare?
Our Weapons are forged in heaven
And never get out of repair;
Our Ammunition’s resistless,
The Word of God and Prayer.
So we’ll march for Christ and not murmur
However long the road,
We’ll fight and never grow weary,
Our Strength–the Lord our God.
Like Paul we’ll play with the Devil
A game of pitch and toss,
For to fight and live is Jesus,
To die is gain, not loss.
We may be few! But what matter?
Christ’s blessing will make us abound,
As He blessed those loaves and fishes
And more than made them go round.
If the Bible’s a bundle of fables
We’re the veriest fools on earth!
But if true we’re the children of Wisdom
Though butts for men’s scorn or mirth.
Wise men shall bid us “go forward,”
Good men shall thank God and pray,
True Soldiers of Christ will be “crazy”
To come and join in the fray.
—Quant Rhymes for the Battlefield
(The Lutterworth Press, London, U.K., 1913).