Letters from Norman
Janet my dear,
I wish I could enjoy that hug but that must still wait; but I do indeed enjoy your love in sending such a gift, and such a size. Thank you, dearest, very much, and it is a blessing and help. I am grateful.
But meanwhile I had your letter and was getting towards answering it. Love, you don’t fight fear, you accept it! We are in a world full of temptations to fear, which really is negative believing–in evil. But, dear, negatives are the good background to positives, and while you feel the fears you boldly say by your faith that Christ in you is THE FACT, and that fact replaces all the fears. So your fears are your good practice!
You may have forgotten now all you poured out in your letter (and I love your outpourings!), but of course all God’s love in sending His son is to rescue us from hell; but you can’t be a real person without confronting the opposites, and “hell” is the condition of self-loving self (Satan), and God has to use means to disillusion us from our self-love to condition us to want HIM, the Spirit of Other-love. And you really are glad you are a person for eternity, and not just a lump of rock! Can’t say more now till we can have our get-together!
Just loving you and thank you so much, dear–till somehow we can meet! But always glad to get your letters.
Dear Janet,
Another line just before I start my travels in a week. Thank you for yours, dear.
You find yourself “trying very hard to believe what I’m supposed to believe.” Dear, the “trying” part is not your real inner spirit-self which is already joined to Him the Spirit; but it is in your soul-feeling realm where you “feel” it is all “rubbish” or whatever. Yes, the world, human reasoning, and Satan will pour that on your emotion-reason level, which is your soul; but it is not really you but just your outer clothing–spirit clothed in sould-body. So the answer is just “defiantly” say, keep saying merely by your will (which has your heart behind it) that you ARE what He says you are. You can’t stop the invasions of the anti-feeling which make you feel you must “try”; but replace “trying” by SAYING and repeating your “word of faith.”
As to intercession, dear, I like your concern for your family and others. Again, take it for granted that you are an intercessor, because HE, the Spirit is the intercessor in and by you. Read Rom. 8:26, 27. So your very concern for them is the first stage of the Spirit interceding by you. Continue by turning your inner desires into faith that GOD IS completing His saving work of grace in those who concern you. Believe as fact by the word of faith and keep on believing level. Then also you express your love for them by any loving forms of service that God gives you toward them. That is being the
My much love,
Dear Janet,
Here we are again! Love, I’m glad you feel like a jellyfish, because that’s what you’re meant to feel, and thus kept pushed into believing–you’re getting there, love. The whole external world and our own human selves is the necessary training ground for it to get settled into us once for all that we are spirit joined to HIM The Spirit; and as you keep affirming, the Spirit is busy finding the perfect way of CONFIRMING to you who you ARE.
Love, of course all sorts of thoughts come to force us into taking no condemnation for passing thoughts, but learning to see ourselves as ‘mind’–BEING way beyond thinking which divides.
Keep going at it, love, and as to finding God as our portion–HE IS that AS YOU. The more you believe that the more it will settle into you.
Loving you and write again,