Faith Notes
We dislike a person, so we take a leap of faith. We move over and say, “I don’t like this person, but You are love in me. You love him, so with Your love, I love him.” Switch on the light, and where is the darkness?
The well of living water has not stopped springing up within us, the living bread in our spirits has not gone stale, the fire of the Spirit (with whom we have been baptized at our regeneration) has not burned low. Look within where you and He really are, spirit with Spirit. There is no change. Don’t be fooled by the color of your clothing–your soul feelings. You and He in you have not changed
We transfer our inner believing from what has it’s hold on us because we are believing in it: fear, lust, hate, etc., and attach our believing to who we really are, not our human selves, but Christ in ourselves. And as we affirm and recognize Him, He who is the peace, love, courage, purity, manifests Himself in and by us.
If I have received by faith, I have received, and the proof of my having done so is constant thankfulness.
Every battle of life is fought and won within ourselves, not without. Gain the inner spiritual victory, and the outer follows as sure as the day the night.