Editor’s Note
The Bible says that every man is given a “measure of faith” (Romans 12:3). Many people are deluded into thinking that faith is some lofty spiritual thing that they lack and need to try to obtain. But, this verse contradicts that thinking—it says that we are already in possession of it. Norman Grubb expounds on this subject in the second chapter of his book, The Law of Faith, titled “Faith is a Natural Faculty.” He explains that faith is a faculty that we all possess and use on a daily basis, in such a natural way that we don’t even realize it. What the real matter comes down to is what or WHO you put your faith in. This issue of The Intercessor delves into the subject of faith on many levels. You may even refer to it as the “faith issue!”
To start things off is our lead article, “How Acquire Faith,” taken from Norman Grubb’s God Unlimited. He shares with us, as with so many others, the answer to the heart cry of “How can I know the reality of Christ in my life?” Norman speaks to those who know the truth in theory, but are yearning for it to “feel real.” It all comes down to faith, and Norman breaks it down for us.
Now, knowing the truth that “as He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17),” how does it work out in practical life? It takes a revolution in our outlook—all explained in the article, “Applied to the Daily Life.”
Next, we have an audio review on a classic talk Page Prewitt gave, titled “Faith Creates a Reality.” In the review, Joanna Coatney describes how life-changing this message was for her when she first heard it as a teenager. Page uses humor and easy to understand analogies to explain our human makeup of body, soul, and spirit. She shares how Satan tricks us into confusing soul with spirit and, ultimately, how the faith that we apply to ourselves creates our reality.
Going hand-in-hand with this is the article “The Real Problem:Satan’s Lie,” also taken from a talk of Page’s. She is incredibly clear and concise about the lie that Satan deceives us with: that we are an “independent” self-operating self. She succinctly explains this sin of unbelief and what to do about it. It is a life-changing message!
Then we move on to “Faith Lessons” (part 1 of 3), where Norman Grubb teaches on the “men who learned it,” biographies from the Bible. These men are all listed in Hebrews chapter 11, which is commonly called the “Faith Hall of Fame.” Starting us off with Abraham, our first “hero of faith,” we see how each of these men had to painfully discover “the lie of independent self that originated as a fruit of the Fall.” We have provided scripture from Hebrews 11 as a reference, as well as an illustrated highlight of the life of Abraham in this issue’s “Faith Illustrations.”
“Bible Bedrock” unveils the “technique of faith,” illustrated in the lives of the Patriarchs of Heb.11 and still available to us today. Also make sure to complete this issue’s crossword puzzle for more scriptural insights into “Living by Faith.”
Next, we get “The Rest of the Story” as Norman addresses what is referred to as the “second despair,” or sometimes the “second crisis.” Now that we have accepted Christ as saviour, why are we failing as Christians? Our first crisis was when we realized that we did not keep God’s law; the second, that we cannot keep it! Find out why Norman thinks despair is an excellent sign.
Finally, you will benefit from this issue’s “Q&A,” which contrasts two drastically different forms of prayer—the prayer that asks for God to do something vs. the thanking type of prayer, that has faith and believes that God has already handled it.
So…faith! We all have a measure given to us. How much is that? Answer: all we need!
Thank you for reading The Intercessor.