Our Resource–Christ Within
If all resources for all things on all levels are found within, what final resources are there for the most inward of all? The human self? What solution for the insurmountable self-centredness of the human spirit which is the cause of all the human chaos? And here is the answer. Christ within. The Holy Spirit within. God dwelling in us: then in that realized union through free choice, in Christ’s cross and resurrection, the human spirit of self-centredness is united to the divine Spirit of self-giving. "Dead to sin and alive unto God," man becomes a human expression of God who is love: a perfectly Norman man in his perfectly normal environment with his normal human reactions and human weaknesses, yet God’s strength so made perfect in weakness that it is not we living, but He by us; just as a branch is a normal expression of the life of the tree of which it is a member
–One Caught, No Escape