Editor’s Note
Although the term faith is one of the most familiar terms in the Christian’s vocabulary, how we live by faith in everyday life remains a mystery to many. In this issue, we explore how faith–"freedom in action," as Norman Grubb calls it–functions as the basic principle underlying all activity. More importantly, this issue will examine how we function day by day by faith as God-containers, expressers, and active participants in His Kingdom.
"Faith in Daily Living," our lead article and the theme of this issue, explores the essence of what faith is and how we function in union with Christ to possess our possessions. Introducing faith as "the simple principle of supply and demand," Norman begins by demonstrating that the basis of all life is naturally appropriating for our needs the supply God has surrounded us with–air, food, other items–that we recognize as beneficial, desirable, and available. That same faith-principle operates in the spiritual realm: God takes us through stages of recognition beginning with the necessary disillusionment with our self-centeredness to reveal our need for a Savior, then recognizing His provision in Christ and receiving Him by faith, to finally recognizing and boldly appropriating by faith His full provision in our union with Christ.
"The Law of Faith, Excerpts" describes "the swaying battle of present-tense faith" in the lives of Peter and Abraham with clear application for us today. Particularly helpful is Norman’s distinction between laboring and resting faith and his important reminder that "faith is not the banishing of all difficulties, but their subordination to greater certainties."
In "The One and Only Key Turned in the Lock" Norman deepens our understanding and application of faith as the fundamental principle of daily living. I take hold of something available in Gods word–and desirable because it meets my need–through the spoken word of faith. In response, the Spirit gives substance in my inner Spirit-consciousness that I have received it. Using this key we live as "eternal participators in the resources being the universe."
"Faith in Action," provides another perspective on the process by which we operate from the spirit realm in this life. Focusing on our primary function as vessels–receptivity–this article is particularly clear about the necessity of God’s "drastic dealings" with us needed to "loosen faith from its false moorings" of self-effort and expose the helplessness of self.
Starting with the function of faith before we were saved, "What You Take Takes You" sheds light on our "spontaneous faith-relationship with the spirit of error." In that relationship, we continuously broke the Law of Love governing the universe–with consequences that drove us beyond reason to transfer our faith-choice to the One who came and provided an alternative. Having made that faith leap, we move on to the main purpose of this life: to learn how to function as sons in the fourth dimension in the environment of the third dimension.
No investigation of faith in daily living would be complete without 21st century examples. Meryl Langley’s glimpse of "Faith at Work" provides an excellent illustration of how to apply fourth dimensional faith-principles in the third dimensional workplace–as she faces an IRS-type audit of her business. Marian Kinahans "Greater Love Hath No Man" shows the faith-to-substance transformation in Marian’s relationships as she asserts against her feelings that Jesus Christ is her true operator: "as I carry on with daily living, it is He through me who is reaching out to those around me and touching their lives." Steven Prewitt’s review of Norman’s booklet "It’s as Simple as This" is both a review of the faith-principles of total living in Christ and a personal testimony to the powerful impact of applying these truths as they are learned.
Finally, our readers may with to start the New Year by joining with us to provide life-changing literature and materials to those who desire but cannot afford them. See "Join us in Our Commission" (page 13) for further information.
We as The Intercessor and Zerubbabel Press extend our sincere thanks for your interest and participation in this ministry and trust Him for a continued revelation of His sufficiency in and as you throughout 2009.