I have been working as a youth leader for this ministry for about fifteen years now. Wow, that starts making me feel old, but then again, I started when I was eighteen. I perform many tasks as a youth … continue reading.
In the last issue of The Intercessor Norman reviewed the fall of man, stressing that freedom is fundamental to personhood. In this article, he moves on to perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of … continue reading.
In this issue of The Intercessor, we continue our investigation into the Biblical foundations of our union reality. We have looked into the nature of God and the nature of evil; now we examine the … continue reading.
BOOK REVIEW: Who Am I?by Norman GrubbWho can resist a book that promises a fool-proof workable key to daily living? That is what Norman Grubb delivers in Who Am I?, which was first published in 1974 … continue reading.
The last time my testimony appeared in The Intercessor was after I had confessed sin in my life; Jo, our daughter, had returned to God and her family, we had moved into a new home and Jon, our son, … continue reading.
The following article was originally a pamphlet written by C.T. Studd in 1915. His description of the devices used by Satan to tempt missionaries is no less applicable to us today in the comfort of … continue reading.
TAPE REVIEW: 2 Corinthians by Norman GrubbNorman begins by describing 2 Corinthians as one of Pauls intimate lettersa love letter in which Paul runs from one point to another without any sense of … continue reading.
At some time we have all said or heard someone say: I just want to be accepted the way I am! Isnt this what Christian love is all aboutaccepting one another as God accepted us? After all, doesnt … continue reading.
Norman had the opportunity to attend Cambridge University and receive a degree under a special program for the soldiers whose education had been interrupted by World War 1.When we went up for the … continue reading.
Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your … continue reading.
According to our usual custom, we gathered together on the evening of the third anniversary of Mr. Studds death, July 16, 1934. We were talking over what God had done through him and since, in … continue reading.
It has been almost ten years since we printed this excellent piece by Page Prewitt. It has been made into a small booklet, copies of which can be ordered from the book page.Foreword by Norman GrubbThe … continue reading.