The Simplicity of Seeing–A Letter
I have thought a lot about God and where I fit into His plans. It’s so easy, this union with Christ. It was easy to understand when explained, but to believe it and live it took some time. Finally, after two and a half years, I understood one thing–that all it takes is faith. It’s that easy. There is nothing you have to do or sacrifice. The verses were shown to me (mostly in Paul’s letters), and as soon as I opened my mind and accepted what is written right there in the Bible, it came so clear, so easy, and so wonderful.
I took what is written on faith. At first I thought, "I don’t feel different; I don’t sound or look different." But what you take, takes you. It consumes you. After time and affirmation, through your faith, you know. Yes, I am Christ in the form of Steven Prewitt.
The mature man in Colossians 1:28 is the one who knows that Christ’s spirit is united, intermeshed, one and one with his own spirit. He knows he isn’t separate from God, but that God’s desires become his desires. God’s wants become his own wants. He knows the union of Galatians 2:20.
Before knowing this, there is a trying to do all the "right" things such as praying more, going to church more, giving more–all those things you hear that you need to do to get "closer to God," or obtain God’s blessing, or become more of a Christian. We know that by grace we are saved through faith. It is God’s gift and not something achieved by doing all these outward things.
Knowing, accepting, and living by who you are is so wonderful. There is such peace, understanding, insight, and love so deep–immeasurable and boundless. You are dear to me. I’ve seen your spirit. You are special. You possess such a big heart. It’s your destiny to know and believe that you are a manifestation of Christ and that he lives his life through you. I know you will know because of the desire in my heart and many other people’s hearts for you. Words of faith come from God. Saying a word of faith for someone always happens because it is God’s universe and God’s word being spoken verbally for you, His son. It is what we are here for. It is life to be given to others so that they can know and tell it to someone else.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 26 No 4
- Free at Last!
- Editor’s Note
- A Tribute to Norman Grubb–In His Own Words
- God’s Promises
- Questions & Answers
- God’s Great Purpose By Us
- How It Really Works
- A Call to Arms: 1993
- Christ’s Nobodies
- Once Caught, No Escape: A book review
- The Cambridge Seven: A book review
- Cookout at "Boone"
- A Pastor Writes Page Prewitt
- The Simplicity of Seeing–A Letter
- The Mailbox
- Letters From Norman
- The Way of Release
- Presenting every man perfect…
- Words to Live By…