"If I make my bed in the depths, you are there" -Psalm 139:8
Life in the human must always be a tension, a constant propounding of problems with no adequate solution, a constant oscillation between the pleasurable and the painful. But when we raise our sights from the human to the divine, the whole picture changes. All started with God, all ends with God, and there is only One with whom He has to do: from eternity to eternity all is centered in Christ. Therefore whatever intervenes in history, whether pleasant or unpleasant, must be caught up into the stream of His purposes of grace in Christ. If the devil appears on the scene, then the devil must be His agent. If the fall of man adds to the chaos, then we learn that He had already foreseen that and the fallen first Adam was to be only a type in reverse (Romans 5:14) of the last redeeming Adam. This same Christ would Himself embrace the consequences of sin, atone for it, conquer it, and then produce out of the wreckage of fallen humanity a new race of sons to occupy the highest position in the universe, to share the throne of Him who is made "higher than the heavens," better than the angels, seated at the right hand of the majesty on high.
Evil, then, would be to Christ an agency for good; not that evil comes from God, or is anything but evil, but faith utilizes it for good, because faith understands that God reigns in the darkness as well as in the light (Psalm 139:12), and that God fulfills His own purpose through adverse circumstances which expose to man his inability and spur him on to the receiving faith which liberates God to work.
–The Deep Things of God