Words to Live By
From the center of my being, with my will, as being my heart’s desire, my choice, I affirm Him and myself to be in the eternal relationship He says we are, through my crucifixion and resurrection with Jesus Christ: we are a unity, He in me, I in Him. I state that as a fact. It has nothing to do with what I feel about it or with my sense of unworthiness and inconsistancy, and the unreliability of my humanity. He planned it. He effected it. He chose me, not I Him. Very well then, though I may think He makes queer choices–facts are facts.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 24 No 2
- God’s Twofold Restoration
- The Editor’s Note
- The Necessity of Doubt
- Death to Sin: The Radical Solution of the Cross
- Romans Tells Us How
- Two Problems Solved
- Our Total Salvation: The Two Works of Jesus on the Cross and in the Resurrection
- Book Review: Paul’s Key to the Liberated Life: Romans Six to Eight
- How Acquire Faith?
- Faith in Action
- Rees Howells and the New Birth
- Free From the Law of Sin and Death
- Words to Live By
- What Really Happens at Regeneration?
- The Total Remedy