The Editor’s Note
"Redemption is only redemption when God regains for Himself His dwelling place, our human personalities, which were created for no other purpose than to contain Him." – NPG.
In this issue, we examine how God accomplished our full restoration through the two aspects of Christ’s atoning work: the shedding of His blood and His bodily death and resurrection. Beginning with a reminder not to let ignorance of the ways of God rob us of our inheritance, Norman launches into "God’s Twofold Restoration" in our lead article. This is an in-depth look at the replacement of condemnation by justification through Christ’s shed blood and how His bodily death and resurrection (and we in Him) made possible the total replacement in us of the sin nature by the Holy Spirit. Especially rich is Norman’s explanation of the meaning of death as not a physical but a spirit destination and his clarification of the true purpose of the law–not as a standard we can live up to, but to reveal our inability to live right apart from the indwelling Righteous One.
"What Really Happens at Regeneration?" provides another thorough examination of the two stages of our restoration to God, with emphasis on the "total exchange" which has taken place in our identification with Christ at His death and resurrection. Similarly, in "The Total Remedy" Norman offers insight into the Godward and manward aspects of Christ’s atonement using excellent analogies throughout. As always, Norman demonstrates that our salvation is total: Christ not only saves us from the guilt of past sins and consequences in the next life, sins, but also from sin–the indwelling spirit of error (Satan) to whom we were formerly enslaved: "Only Christ could and did provide a complete salvation from both cause and effects, producer and products."
In his Bible Study, "Our Total Salvation: The Two Works of Jesus on the Cross," Brett Burrowes reveals how the elements of Holy Communion illustrate the twofold nature of our total salvation–the wine (His blood) and the bread (His broken body). Jesus did not just bear our sins, Brett reminds us, He became sin. Brett is particularly clear on the means by which the historical gospel becomes ours: "When we first believe in Christ, we receive His Holy Spirit because by our faith we are participating in the resurrection of Jesus."
From a slightly different perspective, in "Romans Tells Us How" Norman examines the three stages through which God reaches us–from historical to spiritual, outer manifestation through to inner union. Also based in Romans, Brett Burrowes’ "Death to Sin: The Radical Solution of the Cross" is a rich, verse-by-verse study touching on such foundational truths as the Gospel of grace through faith alone, why the law does not produce righteousness but increases sin, and God’s very radical solution to our very fadical problem. Brett’s examination of the full meaning of baptism is not to be missed.
"Two Problems Solved," taken from God Unlimited, brings us back to God’s ultimate purpose of redemption–to regain His stolen property so that we can be what He created us to be: containers and manifestors of Himself. Along the way, Norman soundly refutes several errors prevalent among Christians today, for example: having Jesus as Savior is mandatory but having Jesus as Lord is optional, and presenting the Gospel as a panacea for happier living or future security, instead of what it really is–a total revolution.
Those who understand the facts of Christ living His life in us yet are troubled because they do not see or feel "different," can take great encouragement from two brief features, "How Acquire Faith?" and "The Necessity of Doubt." And for further study and encouragement, we recommend Norman’s excellent pamphlet, "Paul’s Key to the Liberated LIfe: Romans 6-8," (reviewed in "A Look at a Book") which emphasizes the full implications of the amazing, total salvation provided to us through Christ’s death and resurrection.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 24 No 2
- God’s Twofold Restoration
- The Editor’s Note
- The Necessity of Doubt
- Death to Sin: The Radical Solution of the Cross
- Romans Tells Us How
- Two Problems Solved
- Our Total Salvation: The Two Works of Jesus on the Cross and in the Resurrection
- Book Review: Paul’s Key to the Liberated Life: Romans Six to Eight
- How Acquire Faith?
- Faith in Action
- Rees Howells and the New Birth
- Free From the Law of Sin and Death
- Words to Live By
- What Really Happens at Regeneration?
- The Total Remedy