How Acquire Faith?
What will make meaningful to me these tremendous truths of Christ living His life in me, and I united to Him in place of the old union? The answer, of course is faith. But that doesnt seem to act. I do believe, and yet it seems to make little difference. Well, there is still no other answer. But it is possible that you are not really believing in Gods impossible word. You think you are, but you are really believing in what you think about that word. I told you that it costs everything to believe. "Let us labour therefore lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." Faith crosses and unbridgeable gulf into the invisible, unknowable, impossible. It crosses just by believing it has crossed, because He says so, and He is the bridge. To everything on the human side of the gulf it looks as unbridgeable as ever, and that there is no other side! If therefore, without realizing it, you are basing your faith on a single personal reaction to your faith, then you are still on the human side of the gulf. You are really believing in yourself, not in Him who takes you to the Other Side. A man said to me, "Please help me, I feel a barrier between myself and Christ." I investigated and found that he had faith in an indwelling Christ, and had no barrier of immediate uncleansed sin; so I said, "You are wasting your time asking for help from an illusion. There is no barrier except that you have transferred your faith back from Him to yourselfwhat you feel about your relationship to Him. Get back where you wereto faith without a shred of human assistance." Another said the same to me about power. How could he know the power of God? "Does Jesus Christ dwell in you?" I asked. "Yes," he said"by faith." "Then run away," I said (he was a young man). "What more power can you want or have than He in you? You are wanting to exchange faith for sight. Faith has no other evidence than itself. (He that believeth hath the witness in himself). You have turned back to find some missing evidence by believing what you feel in place of what He is." Yet a third asked, "How can I know He abides in me?" Rather brutally I answered, "I am not the least interested in whether you know or do not know. I am only interested in whether He is in you or not. What you know directs your faith on to what you know, not what He is."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 24 No 2
- God’s Twofold Restoration
- The Editor’s Note
- The Necessity of Doubt
- Death to Sin: The Radical Solution of the Cross
- Romans Tells Us How
- Two Problems Solved
- Our Total Salvation: The Two Works of Jesus on the Cross and in the Resurrection
- Book Review: Paul’s Key to the Liberated Life: Romans Six to Eight
- How Acquire Faith?
- Faith in Action
- Rees Howells and the New Birth
- Free From the Law of Sin and Death
- Words to Live By
- What Really Happens at Regeneration?
- The Total Remedy