The Mailbox
This delightful letter came in response to last issue’s "Old Friends of Norman’s."
We, too, are old friends of Norman’s. My parents, Tom and Ann Fagan, were of the group that Norman believed God for in the third year of his leadership of C. Do you recall the story? The first year-10, the second year-15, the third year-25, and so forth.
I read with interest about Bus and Marge Williams. They and their children stayed with us in the WEC headquarters in El Monte, California, sometime during the early 50’s. Since then we all went our separate ways, and I lost track of Bus and Marge.
Since my parents served for so many years with Norman in the WEC, and since I was raised as an MK [missionary kid] in the WEC, I came to know just about all those great old warriors. I was born on the field where my parents were serving, the Ivory Coast of Africa. At about age five I came to North America, and from that time through to about 1955 I lived in a WEC headquarters somewhere or other.
As a child and young person I had no idea of what a great heritage I would have. Many has been the time when these dear saints’ testimony has come to mind-their prayers, their stories, their songs, their messages, etc.
We had Norman in our home on several occasions-whenever he was here in Southern California, at least. And, we’ve had lots of guests in to hear the priceless truths being told-many hearing these things for the very first time.
I remember one young lady, after hearing Norman for a couple hours, exclaim, "It’s so simple. I never knew it was this way!" She had been born and raised in a good Christian home, attended a Christian school and a very good church, but it was as if great bur-dens rolled off of her that day. Praise God, we’ve seen it over and over-the real message of our on with God releasing burdened Christians of their heavy load.
And, as a result of Norman’s sharing, and his many books, we have had the privilege of leading many more into their own freedom of THE Truth.
Well, that’s it for now. God bless you all,
Willis Fagan
Recently we received three letters from one of our readers who has become a regular correspondent.
Hi dear Friends at Zerubbabel,
It has been a while since I last wrote–I guess it was last year when I was giving a teaching on Intercession for our Mercy Ships Medical Missions Conference.
It has been an interesting year. On the evening of February 3rd I was walking this lovely 52 acre property where I live alone and fell, breaking my leg seriously. It is quite a story, but it took me two hours to crawl home to get to a phone for help. I just want to claim and proclaim the faithfulness and strength of our LORD. I was aware that His strength was mine and that I did not need to ask for it. He told me when to stop and rest, not to lie down, but take a few deep breaths and then continue on. I constantly reminded Him that this was a Jesus-Doris leg, therefore He needed to we for it. Now, some three and a half months later, I am out of the external fixater, the cast, and today began physical therapy.
I have an office station now in my home and am attempting to get some Mercy Ships work done, but it is a slow process when I have to keep my leg elevated and/or not sit too long. At 72, I should be slowing down, I suppose, but for what reason? Maybe to do a little more gardening. I love tending to God’s land and being co-creator with Him in bringing beauty to the area.
Blessings to you all there. One of these days I hope to get to a conference. I have fond memories of the fellowship and love I received soon after my husband died in 1992 when I joined with a group in Palm Beach, Florida.
Doris Hack
I received the tapes and copies of The Intercessor. Thank you so much. Page, thank you for being firm with us [referring to Page Prewitt’ s tape " In Simple Terms," 1998]. I, for one, needed the "jacking up." The lies of the enemy are so subtle and it seems so easy to fall into sin through believing wrongly about ourselves. . . . So often the Scripture came to my mind that "to whom much is given, much is required, " and I had come to a place where I had spoken out that I didn’t want much required of me anymore. Now I am face to face with the choice of accepting the responsibility that the Lord has indeed given me much light, and now that fresh light has shone, eating up the darkness, I should take ownership of it and let it take me.
Thanks for sending the book. I had my last physical therapy at rehab-to God, by whose grace I can walk, I give all honor and praise. The therapists told me they never would have thought I would come this far. Thanks for your prayers.
Dear Pat,
I wanted to thank you so much for sending me the booklet, Page’s Alphabet Soup. It was a tremendous help to me understanding some things I didn’t understand. I read it over and over. I love to learn, especially about God and how He lives through us. I’m so glad God is showing me I’m a container and not an I [independent]. It straightens out so many other things and Bible verses, to understand this, not to mention it lifts a little of the pressure too. There really is some truth to that statement "the Devil made me do it" (Yet not I, but sin….).
My sister saw the man who gave us copied material from Mr. Grubb’s books. She told him about Zerubbabel reprinting some of Norman’s material. He was so excited to hear it because he knew about Mr. Grubb’ s books being out of print. We’re (all three of us) all so glad to be learning these things God showed Mr. Grubb. Thanks for reprinting! I want to order more books as soon as I can. I lent Who Am I? to my sister and her husband and I about never got it back. (They were enjoying learning from it, too!) I hadn’t finished the book when I lent it to them, but I needed to learn more about the old nature being gone. The only way I could get [the book] back was if I traded them The Law of Faith. So I had to let go of one to get the other! I think they see some truth also in this material!
Rhonda Runk
Dear Rhonda,
I enjoyed talking to you on the phone and was delighted to get your letter. It certainly paints a picture of how valuable Norman’s books are to hungry hearts! It is exactly for that reason that we have labored to get them reprinted. I’m sending you a copy of our most recently reprinted book, Yes, I Am, to enjoy and share with your friends and family. And we have plenty more available to barter with!
I’m also very glad you enjoyed Page Prewitt’s Alphabet Soup. As I thought about you and your husband and family, I thought how valuable that pamphlet is in the practical application of the truth that "…not I, but Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2:20) – especially in the challenges of day-to-day living.
Thanks for your calls and letter. If you have any specific questions, please write them down. There are folks here who would be glad to clarify anything for you. Sometimes putting it in writing helps to get the question into focus. It encourages all of us to hear from the folks who are blessed by The Intercessor and Zerubbabel Press literature. Keep in touch.
Pat Mace
"It has been a blessing to receive The Intercessor from y’all these many years. I thank you and ask Father’s blessings to each and every one…. Will continue to remember you in prayer. "
"Hi. I find your magazine a real blessing. I have been reading it for quite some time now."
"Thanks for the letter. I’ve been receiving The Intercessor for many years and understood in my mind Norman Grubb’s message, but it was only head knowledge. But in these last three years the Holy Spirit has brought it alive, in the middle of great problems."
Upon receiving The Law of Faith, here is a reader’s response: "Thank you so much. I really cherish the work and the copies you sent to me."
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 16 No 2
- Speaking the Word of Faith
- Yes, I Am
- Editor’s Note
- Tape Talk
- Annual Business Meeting–2000
- We Accept His Calling
- Faith Lessons
- A Testimony About Myself and My Art
- Our True Rest
- Zerubbabel Focus: Alpen Acres–The Physical Plant
- Questions & Answers
- Prayer
- Bible Study: Word of Faith
- Z News–A New Direction
- The Mark of an Apostle
- Excerpt from The Inercession of Rees Howells
- The Worst Sin
- What I Am Not, God Is
- Seeing Life As God Sees It
- British Easter Conference
- To Think About…
- Intercession In Action
- Where Are The Men?
- The Mailbox
- You Are Complete…
- Words to Live By…