Excerpt from The Inercession of Rees Howells
The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Jonathan strengthened his hand in God. And he said unto him, "Fear not… thou shalt be king in Israel and I shall be next unto thee." –-1 Samuel 18:1; 23:16, 17
The friend who always worked with me in the Mission was a most lovable person and a wonderful speaker, especially in the open-air meetings. One night, when he had spoken before me, the thought came to me, "How can I ever preach after that?" and a thought of jealousy entered. How the Holy Spirit dealt with me that night! He showed me what was in me and how this could be a hindrance to the people we were working for. He said, "If you allow this to happen again I will have you to go on your knees in the open-air and confess it openly." I knew he meant it and from that day on I never dared to cherish a thought of jealousy.
The time came when people began to tell my friend that he would never have a real chance while he was with me and that he should have a work of his own. I knew that the enemy was attacking him and the Lord said, "Give the leadership of the Mission over to him and be a real intercessor behind him. Pray that the Mission will be a greater success in his hands than in yours." The Mission had been every-thing to me for three years and it took the Lord several days to get me through on this. But I gave the Mission to my friend and the Lord enabled me to love him with a real love although he took my place.
–From The Intercession of Rees Howells
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 16 No 2
- Speaking the Word of Faith
- Yes, I Am
- Editor’s Note
- Tape Talk
- Annual Business Meeting–2000
- We Accept His Calling
- Faith Lessons
- A Testimony About Myself and My Art
- Our True Rest
- Zerubbabel Focus: Alpen Acres–The Physical Plant
- Questions & Answers
- Prayer
- Bible Study: Word of Faith
- Z News–A New Direction
- The Mark of an Apostle
- Excerpt from The Inercession of Rees Howells
- The Worst Sin
- What I Am Not, God Is
- Seeing Life As God Sees It
- British Easter Conference
- To Think About…
- Intercession In Action
- Where Are The Men?
- The Mailbox
- You Are Complete…
- Words to Live By…