The Mailbox
Dear Intercessor Staff,
I want to thank you all very much for your publication. I have been receiving and reading it for a number of years. This latest publication however really stirred something in me. One article was greater than another for me. I couldn’t name them all. I only know they showed me lots of my past sin and present sin. I thought while reading I really need to believe Christ lives in me. I have heard this message for years but somehow Satan convinced me that for some reason or another I could never really believe that I was decent enough or good enough for Christ to live in me. Something has come to me though and your magazine has helped me. I thank you once again.
Isabel Boreland
Dear Izzy,
How wonderful to hear from you again. Thank you for your letter, and for letting us know that the Winter issue of The Intercessor has been meaningful to you. I certainly share your experience of coming to see that you really need Christ to live in you as you. Only when I see myself as a sinner in desperate need of God’s grace and for giveness can I really recognize my need for Another to live in me and live the righteous life that God requires. However, sometimes persistent and longterm sin can cause a callousness to the harm we have caused to otherspaaticularly to those we most we about. When this kind of hardness is in our heart, we tend (at least I did) to take a lot for grantedhat we are OK and that of course we are Christ in our form. What I didn’t want to look at was that Christ wasn’t callous to the pain of others; rather, He was broken hearted about the pain they had suffered. How, then, could I claim that He was living His life out through me? I had to truly see my sin, confess it and be sorry for it. That’s all I can do; then, as I trust Him to live in me and as me, He takes over.
As for not being good or decent enough for Christ to live in, there is no one who is good in and of themselves. Even Jesus, when called "good Master, refused the adjective saying that none was good except God. Seeing good or evil as an attribute of a person rather than as attributes of a person’s operator is independent seeing, and independent seeing is really Satan looking out through our eyes. God is good, and Satan is evil, and I am good or evil according to which spirit is running me. When I believe that I am either of these, then Satan temporarily be me over and operates me from the outside. So, actually, believing I’m OK or believing I’m not OK are both forms of pride-I’m a me on my own who has, or should have, the quality of goodness in myself and who can run my own life. Lies!
Excuse the sermon, Izzy. Just reminding you of what you have heard for years. But sometimes we can hear yet not really hear. I suspect that is the case with you. If so, I am thrilled that you are now truly coming to see your real identity-Christ/Izzy. Please keep in touch, and let us know what is going on with you.
Much love,
Dear Scott,
You don’t know me but I have been a regular reader of The Intercessor for many years. I just finished listening to your mother’s tapes "In Simple Terms" and I wanted to send her a note.
I really enjoyed your article on Philemon–that and listening to your mother’s tapes reminded me of some things the Lord showed me about Philemon and I would like to share them with your mother as confirmation (maybe not the right word) of an intercession in her life.
Ann Osgood
Dear Ann,
Thanks for your note. I’m pleased to hear that you found insight in the article on Philemon. I had never really paid that short epistle much attention until I prepared to teach on it. Wow! So much packed into so few words.
In Christ’s love,
Scott Prewitt
Dear Z-Press,
Just now received the Spring Intercessor. Each copy is even bet-ter than the last which is saying a lot.
Please tell those who prayed for the Intercession class that I taught for the Medical Missions Seminar that it went S0-0-0- WELL. I used quite a bit of Norman’s material especially from Summit Living. Gave out copies of the single sheet of Yes, I Am. Also was able to share Page’s booklet "Alphabet Soup" with several. Several were able to say that the Intercession time was the highlight of the Seminar for them. Then, the Lord knows how to put our feet back on the ground. When the evaluations were filled out for each speaker, one asked that there be less time for Intercession and one person even visited me in my office cubicle to tell me that she didn’t appreciate some comments that I made, but didn’t want to go back home without telling me so. Ah, yes….
One day recently I was having such a wonderful time with my Father-God and when I said, "Oh I want to know Your son better," and He said to me "Just look in the mirror"! WOW!!!
Blessings to you,
Doris Hack
Dear Doris,
Thanks so much for writing and sharing with us your adventures of faith. Norman always said that we just give what we’ve got and it’s up to the Lord to reach those who have listening ears and hungry hearts. He knows what needs to be said and then, as we trust Him, it’s really Him speaking.
You have been an encouragement to us as you write from time to time. Thank you for keeping us posted as to your whereabouts. We would like to put your letter in the next Intercessor so others can share in the blessing.
Love in Christ,
Dear Intercessor Staff,
Just a note to say I’ve been on your mailing list for many years and enjoy the magazine very much. In fact, I read every word. The message is one that I live by–knowing that Christ is living His life through me, as me. I have also been teaching the Bible to women for over 16 years and try to convey that message, that we are one spirit with the Lord; we are His temple; it is His faith, etc.
Just to encourage you, because I’m not one to write so much, there must be many others out there that receive your magazine and live by your teaching, but who never correspond with you.
I have never lived close to others in this ministry who meet together, but if the opportunity ever avails itself I would like to. There was one in California which my husband and I attended.
Anyway, keep up the good work and be assured you are making a difference in people’s lives.
Yours in Christ,
Retta Stevens
Dear Mrs. Stevens,
Thank you so much for your kind note and for your generous contribution to The Intercessor. We are committed to publishing the truth of our union with Christ, and it is encouraging to hear that you have taken Galatians 2:20 for yourself. Norman Grubb would say that "What you take, takes you!" And how wonderful that you are teaching others the message that has so freed you. If you need any materials–books, pamphlets, tapes–which would help in your Bible study, please let us know. We would also be glad to send multiple copies of the magazine, if that would be helpful.
I hope you do get the opportunity to meet with other "Christ in you as you" folks sometime. I know it can be difficult having no one close by. If you are ever interested in having a get-together where you live, we would be glad to come down and have a time of teaching and sharing. Let me know what you think.
Thank you again for getting in touch with us, and let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.
In Him,
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 15 No 3
- Love In Action
- Editor’s Note
- Joanna’s Return, Area Fellowship News
- Joanna’s Return, Area Fellowship News
- Joanna’s Return, Area Fellowship News
- Joanna’s Return, Area Fellowship News
- Joanna’s Return, Area Felowship News
- Joanna’s Return, Area Fellowship News
- Joanna’s Return, Area Fellowship News
- Tape Talk
- Colette’s Job
- Annual Business Meeting–1999
- A Look at a Book
- The Gospel
- The Mailbox
- Zerubbabel Focus: Intercession
- My Disciple
- Bible Study: Hannah & Eli
- Irish Spring Conference
- Questions & Answers
- My Plans…
- Words to Live By…