Moments with Meryl
Since returning home from Summer Camp in the States this year, I have seen several areas where Satan has misused me for years. Once home, it is so easy to revert back to the old routine of work, home, schedules, household chores etc., etc., and to be quite honest, this year the thought of that totally repulsed me. Our life as a family, I concluded, was really quite boring: very much a rigid routine with little spontaneity and very little social life or enjoyment! During my time spent in America, I observed a different way of doing things; life did not revolve around the home, doing the chores and getting to bed by eleven o’clock every night to ensure seven hours sleep, ready for work the next day! Of course those responsibilities were still carried out over there, but were not the focus like they were in my life. (The cares of this world!!)
Then I thought, "Well it’s different over there when we visit–it’s Summer Camp. But now you’re back home." "Yes, but it’s Jesus Christ living in me over here, the same person that was in Boone." "Your life is ‘culture controlled,’ not `Christ con-trolled. ‘ For example, I would never think of visiting my brother (who has recently become a Christian and lives 30 miles away) in the week, because we’d be too late home and, after all, it’s work the next day. "Well, Meryl, when you were at Summer Camp, you were up into the wee small hours and man-aged to get up and be ready for break-fast at 8:00 a.m. and then have a very busy day ahead. If you could believe Jesus Christ as you could do that, I’m sure you can believe Jesus Christ as you can visit your brother mid-week or do any other activity that interrupts YOUR agenda. You know over recent years, you have changed a lot, but this process is here to stay. The choice is up to you."
I also noticed when back home the contrast between attitudes in general. In America people I met at the store, air-port, or when eating out were on the whole much more positive, co-operative, helpful and talkative, even proud to be American–making for a much more pleasant environment. I felt really ashamed of what I saw when I returned home: people I just met in passing could barely speak when I said "good moming" and an air of negativity seemed to be everywhere. I was certainly not proud to be English!! "O.K, but I AM English and did God have me horn here? Yes. So, I am saying I don’t have to be influenced by all this; Jesus Christ is living His life by me. He is the polite, courteous, helpful and talkative one by me. And who knows what His living that way by me can achieve’?"
We have been changing in some ways already. Our family now has a regular Bible Study, which is beginning to prove very beneficial; not only are we learning more from the Bible, but it gives us an opportunity as a family to all be together and discuss what is going on in us on a personal level, instead of just catching a moment with whomever is about at the time.
Jim also came up with the idea that as a family we have a weekly social outing. Admittedly, this could prove expensive, but with careful thought and planning it hasn’t been. It’s great to go out for a meal one week and the next just to go for a cup of tea together. Whatever we do, we have quality time together with no interruptions. It costs nothing for us all to go for a walk and take the dog, or visit the local annual hot air balloon festival!!
I see all this as an area where I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind and thank goodness it is happening now before it’s too late. God forbid that I would still be in the old frame of mind as the years pass and the grey hairs increase! I like the changes we’ve introduced so far and believe Christ is living out a more abundant life through us; after all, this is what He promised.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 12 No 4
- It All Depends On God
- Elijah
- Editor’s Note
- Fooled By Our Souls
- Moments with Meryl
- A Look at a Book
- Free At Last
- Who Will Me Deliver Me?
- Questions & Answers
- Faith Defies Difficulty
- The Mailbox
- Irish Conference Report
- One Requirement
- Tape Talk
- Summer Camp 1996: The Adults
- Summer Camp: The Youth
- See Ye First
- Excerpt from The Intercession of Rees Howells
- Words to Live By…