Editor’s Note
As we continue our series working our way systematically through the themes and topics of what we boldly call the Total Truth, we come to intercession—the highest calling for us as believers. But what is intercession? Intercession is simply “standing in the gap.” This gap can be any need God sets before us: an unsaved friend or colleague, a wayward family member, someone’s financial or health problem, or even a national or international crisis. What does it mean to stand in the gap in the midst of some need? God showed us what standing in the gap looks like in the person of His son Jesus Christ. When we were hopelessly lost and destined for eternal separation from God in Hell, God interceded for us. God stood in the gap for us by coming to earth in the form of a sinless man yet taking on sin—indeed being made sin—in order that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21). This poured out love for others, this standing in the gap, this intercession for a lost world is who God is and who God desires to be in each of us… “as He is so are we in the world” (1 John 4:17). The very purpose for which God made man in His image is so that He can have a vast body of sons through whom He can reproduce his intercession love purposes! Read on as we dive into the inner workings of what this means and how this can work in your life. It is indeed the pinnacle of the Chrisitan life and the very heartbeat of this magazine—as you might guess by the name.