Editor’s Note
As we continue our series working our way systematically through the themes and topics of what we boldly call the Total Truth, we come to the problem of sin in the life of a believer. We know that our past is forgiven through the cross and that our future is assured in eternity, but what about today? What about our present walk? When we know the truth of Christ living out HIS life through our vessels, then we know the freedom of that walk because it is really HE doing the walking in us as us. The Bible makes it clear that the only thing that can interrupt this walk is sin (1 John 1:7). Difficult situations, difficult feelings, even difficult people—none of these can interrupt this walk. Only sin interrupts this walk. The great secret is that all sin/unbelief (they’re one in the same) originates from the same source. It starts when we believe Satan’s lie that we are an independant, self-operating self rather than a human spirit joined as one with God’s Spirit. In believing Satan’s lie, we give him access (temporarily) to our members for him to live out sin by our vessels (for he is the spirit of sin Eph 2:2). Thankfully, the answer to getting Satan free from our members and allowing Christ to once again live out His life, unblocked , through our vessels, is simple–confession and repentance. These words can sound high and theological, but they are clear and straightforward. Confession is merely “saying with” or “agreeing” with God. God knows our sin. It’s no secret. He demands an honest confession of what He already knows. Repentance is merely “turning from.” We turn from (stop) the sin, trusting Christ to live out HIS righteous life through our vessels. In this way, we can quickly and easily return to the simple, free walk. This issue of The Intercessor looks at this topic in various ways but all with the same point: returning to the victorious walk which is Christ’s life through us… “not I but Christ” (Gal 2:20)!