Faith at Work
One day recently in my mail was a letter from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) (USA equivalent). It stated their intention to check my business tax return for the year ended April 2007 and make sure I had paid the correct amount of tax due. The letter listed all the documents, invoices and back up disc that I needed to provide.
My first thought was ‘I could really do without this just now’. The year under enquiry was dealt with by my previous accountant which meant my current accountant needed to obtain some information from them. This was going to cost me. This situation felt frustrating when my business is so small and I had submitted all paperwork in order and well before the deadline. Also the year’s accounts had been legitimately prepared by a Chartered Accountant. Of course HMRC know nothing about me and for all they know, I could be a real fraud. It simply felt unjust that one or two businesses I know make false expense claims and appear to get away with it.
So I had my ‘negative, moaning moment’. Now, what was I going to believe about this situation? Well, first of all, God was in control and determined this should happen. Who knows, maybe I’ve paid too much tax and am entitled to a refund???!!! This was not happening to some independent Meryl, either. Curves is run by Jesus Christ in my vessel and He’s the One being investigated and He will take care of it. It’s nothing major to Him (it feels like it to me); why should I worry? The most important people in my life are all living and breathing and I count myself extremely blessed and very grateful to God. Yes, it will cost me financially, but thankfully money is available and it’s Christ’s money anyway not an independent Meryl Langley’s.
So now that I have supplied the relevant information, all that’s left for me to do now is ‘stand still and see how God works this out’. My accountant warned me this may take between one and two years to finalise as HMRC are notoriously slow when it comes to resolving queries. I thought, yes, but very quick to take from tax payers. Should the outcome be I have paid insufficient tax, I have to pay the extra due plus interest accrued up to the settlement date! (No wonder they are in no hurry to resolve the investigation). Of course, if I have paid too much tax, there would be a refund, but no interest payable to me (not like Nicodaemus).
Anyway, how grateful I am to believe what I do and be free from Satan’s negative bondage of it’s not fair, why is this happening to ME, it’s just one more thing to handle etc., etc. Believe me, it’s worth more than money can buy.