Where Are The Men?
Have we the men? Who can tell? That remains to be seen! There are, of course, Church members by the million. "There are," says Mr. Wishard, "forty million evangelical communicants in Christendom"!!! At least ten million of them must be males. Are they real "men" or mere "make-believes?" Will they quit themselves like men or will they be shirkers? The forty million of Britain produced five million soldiers, who at the call of King and Country went forth to fight the Germans!
How many Christian soldiers have the forty million Church mem hers sent forth at the call of their Saviour to fight His battles? A paltry twenty thousand, nay less! How superb is our vaunted reverence and Christian devotion! How magnificent are the results of our boasted intellectual Christianity! All head but no or little heart. A tree is judged by its fruits! "If any man cometh unto Me and hateth not his father, mother, wife, children, brethren, sisters, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." "Whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple." "Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the It have lost its savour…it is good for nothing."
We have too many wise men and too few fools. The call of God and of a lost world is for more men who will be fools for Christ’s sake. Godly fools in the hands of The Almighty are heaven’s most powerful artillery. God will turn out His guns in sufficient quantity and quality, no fear; but the Churches and societies are often too proud to use them, and insist on cultured "pop" guns.
–From Our Bit
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 16 No 2
- Speaking the Word of Faith
- Yes, I Am
- Editor’s Note
- Tape Talk
- Annual Business Meeting–2000
- We Accept His Calling
- Faith Lessons
- A Testimony About Myself and My Art
- Our True Rest
- Zerubbabel Focus: Alpen Acres–The Physical Plant
- Questions & Answers
- Prayer
- Bible Study: Word of Faith
- Z News–A New Direction
- The Mark of an Apostle
- Excerpt from The Inercession of Rees Howells
- The Worst Sin
- What I Am Not, God Is
- Seeing Life As God Sees It
- British Easter Conference
- To Think About…
- Intercession In Action
- Where Are The Men?
- The Mailbox
- You Are Complete…
- Words to Live By…