Tape Talk
TAPE REVIEW: Spirit: The Real You
by Page Prewitt
I was among those gathered in Page Prewitt’s living room one warm evening last summer when this tape was recorded. I knew then how life-transforming the message it contains is. However, reviewing this tape-and the opportunity that affords to listen to Page over and over again–has been a blessed example of God’s perfect timing. As I write, there are circumstances in my life that demand the absolute, fixed focus on spirit as the only reality stressed on this tape.
The lesson was prompted by a problem confounding a new member of our fellowship: she felt scared to sit for an exam. Step-by-step Page takes the listener through the reason why we need not–or more accurately must not–live from feelings. While each of us is made up of body, soul and spirit, the only reality is spirit. Beginning with creation and the fall, Page explains the central significance of Christ’s body death on Calvary-how on the Cross the "sin causer" was dealt with once and for all, so that in the new birth each believer becomes indwelt by the Holy Spirit and is a new creation.
Therefore, though a believer may feel scared to take an exam (or whatever soul area Satan tempts us in), the fact is Jesus Christ is not afraid and the battle of faith is won when we launch out in "holy boldness" on that fact.
The word "SPIRIT" resounds clearly through this tape. Page’s definition of spirit as "loving, choosing, knowing" has resonated through my brain and tripped off my tongue several times in recent days. There is an unmistakable passion and vehemence when Page rails against living from soul (thoughts/feelings). The following quote has imprinted itself indelibly on my memory: "It matters not what you think and it matters not how you feel…. I can sympathise with you from now till hell freezes over about how you feel and I can toss your thoughts back and forth with you until hell freezes over and none of it is going to make one whit of difference." I, for one, thank God that I am not my feelings and that, in Page’s unforgettable words, "All that matters on this earth is ‘Who is God?’ and ‘What does He say?’
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 16 No 2
- Speaking the Word of Faith
- Yes, I Am
- Editor’s Note
- Tape Talk
- Annual Business Meeting–2000
- We Accept His Calling
- Faith Lessons
- A Testimony About Myself and My Art
- Our True Rest
- Zerubbabel Focus: Alpen Acres–The Physical Plant
- Questions & Answers
- Prayer
- Bible Study: Word of Faith
- Z News–A New Direction
- The Mark of an Apostle
- Excerpt from The Inercession of Rees Howells
- The Worst Sin
- What I Am Not, God Is
- Seeing Life As God Sees It
- British Easter Conference
- To Think About…
- Intercession In Action
- Where Are The Men?
- The Mailbox
- You Are Complete…
- Words to Live By…