Editor’s Note
"I must be about My Father’s business," Jesus told His mother when she found Him teaching in the temple. And this issue of The Intercessor resounds with the "business" God has called us to-individually and corporately. This issue abounds with teaching about the life of Christ lived in and as us, His human vessels.
Several excellent articles by Norman Grubb guide us deeply into the realms of faith, prayer, and intercession using biblical and personal examples. Our lead article, "Speaking the Word of Faith," is the distillation of Norman’s years of delving into the inner workings of faith. In it he reveals how to live the life of faith: seeing all circumstances as God-given, our negative reaction as necessary to bring us to choice, and the word of faith as the means by which Christ as us moves into action.
In the third installation of "Intercession in Action," we read how Norman’s association with Rees Howells provided him with the principles of intercession by which he gained his intercession for the worldwide missionary outreach of the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (WEC). As a result, over a period of 35 years Norman led the small group that comprised the WEC at the death of C.T. Studd to claim "the ten" missionaries, then 15, 25, 50, 75, and ultimately an expansion to 1500 missionaries in 57 fields. How exciting to learn these principles, see their fruit, and know that this way of faith is available to us today!
Equally rich in spiritual insight, "Faith Lessons-Part 2" offers hope to "many an earnest despairing soul [who] makes shipwreck on the rocks of a consecration, which does not bring victory or power." Examining the early life of Moses, Norman shows us the "helplessness of a consecrated life that does not yet know union" and the dramatic change in Moses after his encounter with the burning bush, "an earthly bush alight with a heavenly fire." He recognizes himself as who he is, God in Moses come down to save His people, and goes into action.
Two additional brief Norman Grubb articles featured in this issue provide clarity on the subject of prayer and inter-cession. A common concern of Christians when they come to know their spirit union with Christ is how to pray in light of this new awareness. "Prayer," taken from God Unlimited, goes directly to the heart of the matter using Romans 8:26-27 to explain how "prayer issues from God in our hearts, and not just from our hearts." A second feature, "We accept His Calling," rounds out our understanding of the life Christ lives out in and as us. It moves beyond prayer to explore the highest calling of all Christians, intercession-"the persistent giving of ourselves by whatever ways God indicates to see the fulfillment."
Closely related to these articles, Brett Burrowes’ "Bible Study" looks at the life of Elijah, asking, "How did he obtain such authority that his words became transforming channels of God’s power?" How often that question has been asked by Christians-and seldom satisfactorily answered. Don’t miss Brett’s clear, practical, and biblical exploration of this vital question.
The theme "my Father’s business" is also evident in the reports from the spring British and Irish conferences and the Zerubbabel business meeting. Not merely "reports," these articles provide an up-to-date composite of Jesus Christ living out His life through His body. We have found that when we gather in per-son at conferences, the power of God is most clearly manifested. Whether studying together the sovereignty and power of God in the Book of Esther, reviewing the accomplishments of the ministry over the past year and arriving on the mind of Christ for the upcoming year, or sharing in God’s rescue of a soul snared in sin, each conference is a unique expression of the Spirit going about His business.
There is still more to say about this issue. Breda’s review in Tape Talk of a newly-released audio tape by Page Frewitt, "Spirit: The Real You," highlights how Page walks the listener step-by-step out of the snare of living from feelings into the freedom of trusting Christ to live out His life by us-regardless of feelings. In Zerubbabel Focus Ron Mace details, in a practical way, his role in the operation of our physical facilities. Elliot Coatney in Z-Youth relates the evolution of our youth magazine Z-News and unveils a shift of focus for this publication. We anticipate the contributions of several of its young adult editors in upcoming issues of The Intercessor.
Finally, on a more personal note, open "The Mailbox" to read a letter from the son of two of the "25" called to the mission field through Norman’s intercessory word of faith. In his letter, Willis Fagan recalls firsthand the impact of Norman Grubb and his teaching on his life.
Most of all, enjoy this issue of The Intercessor. We believe it provides tools for the every day "business" of life.
More Articles from The Intercessor, Vol 16 No 2
- Speaking the Word of Faith
- Yes, I Am
- Editor’s Note
- Tape Talk
- Annual Business Meeting–2000
- We Accept His Calling
- Faith Lessons
- A Testimony About Myself and My Art
- Our True Rest
- Zerubbabel Focus: Alpen Acres–The Physical Plant
- Questions & Answers
- Prayer
- Bible Study: Word of Faith
- Z News–A New Direction
- The Mark of an Apostle
- Excerpt from The Inercession of Rees Howells
- The Worst Sin
- What I Am Not, God Is
- Seeing Life As God Sees It
- British Easter Conference
- To Think About…
- Intercession In Action
- Where Are The Men?
- The Mailbox
- You Are Complete…
- Words to Live By…